Purple Giraffes

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"Purple giraffes are cuter," I pouted as Lily smiled at me. We were sitting at a table coloring pictures when she asked me what color I was going to color my giraffe. After telling her I was going to color Squish purple, she giggles and told me that giraffes are not in fact purple.

She shook her head and handed me the purple crayon. She continued to color her monkey a boring shade of brown. I personally thought he should be more colorful, but in all fairness Lily was boring herself. Seeing me stare, she stuck her tongue out at me and said, "I know what you're thinking, and she's perfect the way she is."

"And how did you know what I was thinking?" I playfully pushed her shoulder.

Lily shrugged, giving me a conspiratorial smile. "We're twins."

Other littles milled around us, the Center always abuzz with laughter and energy. Suddenly, Anna ran up to us breathless. "Can you hide me?" Her curling brow hair was wild but not as wild as she was. Anna is one of my bestest friends in the world and if I had to guess, she was playing hide and seek.

"Of course," I grinned. I pushed out from the table and crawled underneath, adjusting the table cloth to hide most of her body from anyone that may be looking for her.

I scooted back into place just in time because Alex screeched to a halt beside me and could only muster a single word question as he was out of breath. "Anna?"

Lily and I looked at each other and turned back to him and shrugged. He gave me a single nod in acknowledgment and ran off. As he ran into another room to look for her, Anna climbed from underneath the table and hugged me. "Thank you!" She said as she darted into the direction Alex had come.

Lily started to giggle and soon we were both laughing. As we clutched our stomach, I accidentally hit a crayon off the table and hit Lily square in the forehead.

Her eyes widened. "Oh you're on!"

She picked up a blue crayon and chucked it at me, squealing as she turned to get away from any retaliation. I squealed and ducked, the crayon missing me by a mile. I quickly grabbed the brown crayon she had been using and threw it at her.

As Lily picked up another crayon, a security guard strolled over. Justina raised a blonde eyebrow at her and she smiled at him sheepishly, slowly putting the crayon back on the table.

He shook his head and chuckled. "I'm not surprised," he said, laughter dancing in his brown eyes. He turned to me, still taking cover at the other end of the table. "Someone wants to meet you Miss Lacey." He waggled his brows at me, making me giggle nervously.

A Daddy wanted to meet me if Justin's expression was any indication. I suddenly felt butterflies in my stomach. I hoped this would be the one. The one that would want me forever, someone who also knew someone who would like Lily too.

I looked to her, anxious to see her reaction. She was smiling at me like a crazy woman. "Go get 'em tiger."

I looked longingly at my half-colored page, and Justin pats my shoulder. "I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you brought your coloring page and crayons in too."

I grinned up at him and grabbed Squish and the discarded purple crayon. Justin smiled back and led me out of the Jungle Adventure Playroom and to a meeting room where I will hopefully meet the one for Lily and I.

~Ryland's POV~

It would be the first time going to the the DDLG club, Fairytale. Nick, a good friend of mine and fellow dom told me about the place. A BDSM club that serviced to all kinds of kinks during the weekends but specialized in matching in DDLG relationships during the week. He claimed that it was an actual business and not some sleazy barely legal money grab and that the owner was a sweet woman who took the subs' safety seriously at all time.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2021 ⏰

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