Back at Jacob house

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When they get back to Jacob house they get out of the car and walk towards the fire. Hermione sits down next to Billy while everyone is staring at Hermione covered in blood. Everyone else sits down around the fire.

"What happened to you?" Billy asked.

"And why are you covered in blood?" Sue asked.

"Hermione and Bella got in a fight. Carlisle is coming over to take a look at her when he finishes with Bella." Sam said.

"I'm fine." Hermione said.

"Ok whatever you say." Paul said.

Hermione stood up a little to fast.

"I'm not feeling to good and I feel  dizzy." Hermione said.

Then Hermione passed out.

"HERMIONE." everyone yelled.

"Go find Carlisle now." Sam said.

So the pack leaves to find Carlisle. They go Bellas to see if Carlisle is still there. The pack bangs on the door. Edward answer the door and they run in without another word.

"Carlisle are you done with Bella yet." Paul said.

"Yea I just finished." Carlisle said.

"And you haven't went to Billy because?" Jared asked.

"Because I haven't had the chance like I said I just finished Bella." Carlisle said.

"Paul we don't have time for this so lets go." Jared said.

"I'm coming. I mean surly it can be as bad as Bella." Carlisle said

"Well it is. Right now Hermione is past out laying on the ground." Paul said.

"Why didn't you say something sooner?" Carlisle asked as the left to go to Billy.

When the get to Billy they run over to Hermione.

"Let's get her inside." Carlisle said.

They carry Hermione inside and takes her to Jacob room. And the put her on the bed.

"I'm going to half to clean her injury's so I can see what I'm dealing with. Can someone get me a bowl of warm water and a rag. And can you wait outside." Carlisle said.

Sue left to get a bowl of warm water and a rag. While everyone left to wait outside.

"Thank you Sue." Carlisle said

Carlisle carefully cleaned Hermiones wounds until all the dried blood is gone. He stitched the cut on Hermione head. He pulled glass out of Hermione left arm. Wrapped her right arm because it was broken. Wrapped her left foot. Pulled glass out of he stomach. And wrapped her stomach up. He then walk outside.

"How is she?" Jacob asked.

"She has a busted head, she had glass in her left arm, her right arm is broken, her left foot is sprang, she has a crack rib, and there was glass in her stomach. I don't know how she was able to still fight with her injury Sue you might want to get her out if the bloody clothes." Carlisle said.

"Thank you." Jacob said.

"That's not all. When she wakes up let me know." Carlisle said.

"What do you mean that's not all?" Sam said.

"The glass that was in her stomach was very deep. And there is a slight chance she can't have kids." Carlisle said.

"So she can't have kids." Jacob said.

"That's not what I said. I said there is a slight chance she can't it's a 50/50 chance. But if she does have kids during her pregnancy she will have to see a doctor more then once a month to make sure everything is ok. Here give this to her 3 times a day. Also since she has healing power because of her wolf she should heal quickly." Carlisle said.

"Ok thank you. We'll let you know when she gets up." Sam said.

Sue changed her clothes After that they all go to bed. Around 3 in the morning Hermione starts to get up. Jacob hears a groan and wakes up to see Hermione awake. Hermione sees she's in Jacobs room.

 Hermione sees she's in Jacobs room

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Hermiones pajamas.


Jacob." Hermione said.

"Thank god your ok." Jacob said.

"How bad are my injury?" Hermione asked.

"Their bad. I'll right back." Jacob said.

Jacob then goes to wake up Billy.

"Jacob what's the matter?" Billy said.

"Hermione awake." Jacob said.

"Ok go to Cullens and get Carlisle. I'll look after her." Billy said

Jacob left to get Carlisle. When he gets there he knocks on the door. Edward answer it.

"Jacob come in. Why are you here." Edward asked.

Jacob saw Carlisle and Bella there.

"Carlisle Hermione is awake." Jacob said.

"I'm on my way." Carlisle said.

"Carlisle your going to see my sister?" Bella said.

"Yes." Carlisle said.

"Why I mean look at why she done to me." Bella said.

"She has a point." Edward said.

"Well I'm a doctor. Let's go." Carlisle said.

They leave and go to Billy's. When the get there everyone is waiting for them. They have just got done doing patrol.

"Hey Hermione how are you feeling?" Carlisle asked.

Carlisle check Hermione again and tells her that there is a slight chance the she can't have kids. Carlisle the leaves and everyone goes back to sleep.

Time skipped a month all her injury are healed.

Hermiones outfit

Sorry it's short.

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