The beginning

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Milf jumps out of bed boobily, ready for the day. Milf jumps into the shower and gets soapy titties. As Milf is cleaning Milfs body there is suddenly a knock at the door. 

"OMFG" Milf wonders, "Who could possibly be at the door" Milf wonders. Milf gets out of the shower, with Milfs very clean body, boobs bouncing as Milf goes to the door, tightly wrapped in a silky mesh robe.

Milf opens the door, to come face to snout with the most sexiest, girl bossiest creature Milf has ever laid Milfs big, blustering orbs upon.

"Why hello there you hot piece of ass!" Milf said breathily. 

"Hello I'm here to fix your toilet ma'am, after your roomate called and said, i quote 'that you took the fatest shit in the tri state area' " Juraez choked, staring snout to face with Milfs best assest (we'll let you deicede ;) )

Milf smiles devilishly down at Juraez's little tiny body, covered in freshly washed fur. Milf looks over Milfs shoulder and yells

"Hilllary, you quikry whore!" Hilry, laughs as her human body brushes past Milfs as she leaves for her pap smear. Milf smiles down at a smirking Juraez, "Are you ready to come in and work on these pipes then mami?" 

"Yes I am sexxy thang"


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Night mamas

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