Wuthering Heights

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[Leia's POV]

The Open Door Bookshop in Roma, Italia, my pride and joy. I own the bookshop and wish to own more used bookshops just like it one day. That's not all I do however, I also write a lot. I mostly write historic articles although I love writing fiction every so often. I'm Leia Saxton, born and rasied in London, moved to Italy at 19 by myself and opened the bookshop. I'm 20 now and loving the Italian lifestyle.

I gathered my phone and food for the day then left my pretty little apartment, quickly walking to my bookshop. I came early today since I had a great pile of newly donated books to place on the shelves. About an hour later Carlos the only other employee here arrived. He's basically the co-owner at this point, He's become my Italian best friend now. He is unbearable sometimes but always makes me laugh. Carlos grew up in Roma so he has taught me alot more Italian since I am not yet fleunt. I quickly told Carlos what happened in the book I read last night and he told his before the shop opened for the day.

I was sitting behind the counter waiting for Carlos to come back from his break, when the most stunning women I have ever seen, entered the bookshop. She had short black hair, smooth skin and mesmerizing sapphire blue eyes which caught me admiring her. She gave me a smirk and ran her eyes over me. She looked around the shop then sauntered toward me. Her hands gripped the edge of the counter and gave me another smirk.

'How may I help you?' I raised my eyebrow and cocked my head to the side in response to her intimidating manner. I was good at keeping cool and confident on the outside but really I was freaking the f*ck out. 

'Do you happen to have Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë?'

Her voice was as hot as her, deep but also bell like. I could have drooled then... luckily I didn't.

'Sure we do, a new one just came in yesterday. I'll go get it for you.' I smilied at her and bound off struggling to not trip over something. I gathered the two different covered copies we have of Wuthering Heights and slid them over to her side of the counter.

'The two covers we have, you can choose.'

'Why thank you ma'am.'

'Anything else you need?'

'That's all but I'll have a browse.'

'Enjoy' I smiled widely at her and she smiled back, turning around and headed to the shelves near the entrance. She worked her way around the shelves then stopped at the shelves of classics in the far corner and picked up Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë and The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger. After a bit more browsing she came back up to the counter with the three books in hand.

'Like the classics, do you?' I asked flirtatiously

'I certainly do, something wrong with that?' She gave me another one of her common smirks. I logged the books into the register, told her the total amount and she payed with cash, telling me to keep the change. 

'Thank you, have a nice day.' I said as I handed the paper bag I put the books in over to her.

'Thanks, you too Leia.' I stared at her wide eyed and tilted my head to one side in wonder of how she knew my name.

'H-How do...' I began to say but she pointed to my chest and I looked down to see my nametag. She smirked yet again and left elegantly. As the stunning women left, Carlos came in. Carlos' jaw dropped once she was behind him and he came running up to me. 

'Oh my god... she is beautiful. What did she buy? Do you like her? Did you flirt with her?' Carlos jumped up and down in excitement, we often encouraged each other's love lives since I liked girls and he liked guys. 

'She bought Wuthering Heights, Jane Eyre and The Catcher in the Rye. Yes I did flirt with her... her voice is as hot as her too oh my god. I nearly drooled when I first saw her.'

'Oooh the classics. Did you get her name or numberrrrrr.' 

'Oh sh*t, I didn't' 

Closing time came around quickly and I took the long way home, thinking about the mystery women. My evening was quiet, I read, cooked and went to sleep ready for what tomorrow will bring. 

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