chapter 24

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*1 Month Later*

Ava’s POV

After 9 months, today I was finally giving birth. My water broke when I was at the hospital, as I had been for a month. It was a strange feeling. And at first the contractions barely hurt, but as the process continued it hurt more and more. To the point where I couldn’t stand it any longer.

“Harry!” I yelled. He came to my side in an instant. He had been at the hospital with me ever since my accident. Too afraid to let me be alone, scared that he’d lose me.

“Yeah babe? Is everything okay? Should I get the doctor?” He mumbled everything out, obviously nervous.

“Get me the drugs! I need the drugs!” I screamed as another shot of pain went through me. He looked at me sadly.

“You can’t have the drugs Av. You know it’s too risky. It could ruin your chances of survival, and the baby’s.” He said quietly.

“Get me the fucking drugs Harry! I can’t do this without them!” I screamed. And began sobbing. Pain moved throughout my body, almost unbearable.

“I’m sorry, you can’t.” He mumbled, and grabbed my hand in his. Then Doctor McBride walked in.

“Hello loves! How are the contractions going?” She asked.

“She’s in a lot of pain. She wants the drugs.” Harry replied, looking at me with sad eyes.

“Drugs are far too risky. I’m very sorry Ava, but we must do this naturally.” She said to me thoughtfully. I nodded. “Now, let’s see how far you are with these contractions.” Harry grabbed my hand once again. “10 centimeters, it’s time to push. Are you ready Ava?” She looked at me determined.

“Yes.” I whispered.

“I promise you, I will do everything I can to make sure this baby is healthy. But you need to try your hardest. And your hardest might not have the greatest results for you. As we discussed a few months ago. Are you ready to do this?” She asked me once again.

“Make sure my baby is healthy. Make sure she’s alright.” And then I began to push.

After a long hour of pushing and pain. She was here. Our daughter was here. She was alive, and healthy. But as soon as the process was over, I felt myself slipping away once again. And not in a coma type way. I felt myself dying. Now that she was alive and healthy, there was nothing holding me here.

“Av, you did it. Emma is alive and healthy. Our baby girl, she’s here.” Harry said, tears rolling down his cheeks. He squeezed my hand slightly. “You did great baby. Great.”

“Would you like to hold her?” Doctor McBride came up to me. I nodded quickly. She handed her to me, and instantly I felt her soft skin. I heard her tiny heartbeat. And I saw her dark blue eyes. And her light blond strands of hair. She was beautiful. And I heard a flash go off. And I looked up to see Harry with a camera.

“I’m documenting this. To show Emma one day when she’s older.” He smiled.

“Come hold her Harry. She’s perfect.” He put the camera down and walked over to us. And I passed her into his arms. And the biggest smile went on his face. Another flash went off, and I saw Doctor McBride with the camera this time. She smiled, and then put the camera down.

“I’ll give you some time alone. And I’ll send the others in.” She said quickly and exited the room.

“She’s perfect, don’t you think Av?” Harry looked down at me.

“Yeah, she is. She’s so, pure. I love her already.” I smiled.

“Me too.” He kissed her forehead. Then the boys walked in.

“Look at her!” Niall squealed.

“She absolutely beautiful.” Zayn whispered.

“So precious.” Liam added.

“She sorta looks like you Av.” Louis said sweetly.

“C’mon boys. Get together. I’ll take a picture of you all with her.” I said, picking up the camera. They all bunched together around Harry holding Ava. And I snapped the shot.

After a few more minutes of them all taking turns holding Emma, Doctor McBride walked in.

“Sorry boys, but I need to talk to Ava and Harry, please.” They all exited the room shouting out congratulations and goodbyes. I smiled thinking of what wonderful uncles they would be.

“Alright, Ava. How are you feeling?” Doctor McBride looked at me, concerned.

“Honestly, I feel weak. I feel like I’m slowly losing energy.” I looked up at Harry with pain in my eyes. “Am I dying?” I looked back towards her. She looked at me with saddened eyes and nodded slowly.

“These are the conditions we assumed would take place. It seems as though, you will slowly keep losing energy until there is none left. It won’t be painful physically, but emotionally this might be the most painful thing you will ever face.”

“Thank you for everything.” I whispered to her.

She looked up at Harry. Then little Emma. And then back to me.

“It might be best…to start saying your goodbyes.” She whispered slowly.

Well there you go. Baby Emma is here, and Ava is slowly leaving. Tell me what you think. No more time skips for the next chapter. It'll be mostly the same day. okay, love you all!

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