
18 1 0

I woke up and didn't see Amy anywhere. I stood up and checked my phone. It didn't charge. "Great. Just great." I said and charged it. I took a quick shower and changed into something else.

I brushed my teeth and walked to Max's room to see if she's awake

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I brushed my teeth and walked to Max's room to see if she's awake. I knocked and heard and muffled "come in" she is awake.

I walked in and saw her on her phone. "I wanted to cook food and uhm what do you want to eat?" I asked. She shrugged and I said "Pancakes it is! Nutella pancakes?" I asked and she nodded.

I knew that Amy would say pancakes so I didn't bother to ask.

I walked into the kitchen and got a pan and put it on the stove. I opened the fridge but we didn't really have the things I needed for the pancakes. I ran into her room and said "We have to go grocery shopping" she rolled her eyes and stood up.

I walked into Amy's room and she was on her phone. "Wanna come grocery shopping with us?" I asked and she looked up and nodded. I ran to my room to grab my phone and we left.

Time skip to store

We were at some store I sat in the shopping cart. I was on my phone and didn't see, that Amy took a pic of me. I looked at her and she showed me the pic

"Cute, right?" She said and I just answered "Yeah yeah but don't post that" and we both laughed

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"Cute, right?" She said and I just answered "Yeah yeah but don't post that" and we both laughed. Max came back from getting some flour. "Do we have everything?" She asked and I looked at what we had and said "Can we buy strawberries?". They both nodded and we went to the fruits and got the strawberries.

I felt sore and got out of the cart and stretched. "Ong it's her!" I heard and looked around to see a group of girls. I waved at them and they were weird. Fans I guess.

They walked to me and said "Can we take pictures with you? We really love your streams" one of them said and I looked to my friends and they just nodded.

"Sure. A group photo or like more with just some on them?" I asked and walked to the rest of the group. "Group photo if it's ok?" another girl said. "Sure ok could I get the phone?"

Time skip to when you're finished

We took some more pictures and they all thanked me. "No problem. I love to take photos with fans" I said and they walked off. I turned around and walked to the girls.

"Don't even say it" I said and pushed the cart away to pay. I paid and we walked home. We were walking on the side walk but I heard some guys sounding excited. I looked around to see where they are and when I looked at them, I saw them I think taking a video or picture of me.

I looked at them weirdly but waved. Yep I don't like this anymore. I walked to them and said "Uhm why were you taking a pic of me?". They both looked at each other and one raised a brow.

"I mean you're like famous! And we didn't really want to bother you so we did it from here." The other said.
"You know, you can just ask for a picture. I mean it really doesn't feel great just being filmed or something without knowing" I said and they looked at the ground.

I rolled my eyes and said "If you want a picture, we can take one now. This may be your only chance" they looked at me and their eyes widened. "Really?" They both said and I rolled my eyes.

"Yes. We gotta make it quick tho. My friends are waiting for me." I said and they nodded. One took his phone and I walked beside him. I smiled into the camera and he took the photo.

"Omg thank you" he said and I just nodded. "Gotta go now, bye." I said and ran to the others.

I just walked as if nothing happened and we got home without me having to take any pictures. "Tough life, huh?" Alex joked. We all laughed a bit. "Yeah yeah.
I'm gonna make the pancakes now." I said and walked towards the kitchen. "We're gonna help." Max said and Amy nodded.

"Fine but don't make any mess" I said and we walked into the kitchen.

Lol uhh another filler? Idk but uhm I'm gonna make some chapters just about you, Amy and Max👩🏻‍🦲 uh yeah bye haha

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