run away because it's what you do best

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Alice's pov)

I sighed as I walked down stairs to the drunken yelling of my mother and father.

I tired hard to avoid them as my black knee high boots cracked on some broken glass.

"Alice! You piece of shit! Clean this mess up!" My mother yelled as I sighed again and nodded and began cleaning after hiding my bag.

I cleaned all the glass from the floor and put it in to a bin bag then I grabbed my bag and rushed out the door throw the rubbish in a random direction.

My father spotted me and rushed to the door and yelled angrily "YES RUN ALICE! THATS ALL YOUR GOOD FOR ANYWAYS! YOU USELESS CHILD!"

I began to cry as I ran for what felt like hours. I could feel my things get heavier and heavier in my bag.

Until I tripped and fell in to the woods. I growled and got up and carried on running. I didn't know where I was running to just that I was running from those people I lived with. Those people don't even deserve to be called by family.

They were drunken Criminal's. Always stealing, doing drugs and even killing the occasional innocent person who would stumble upon their plans.

I began to cry thinking about how they would make me watch them kill people and animals. With their crazy mind set it would make me liken them.

My vision blurred with tears as I crashed into something purple and black.

The blurry image sighed and picked me up.

"I need to leave now ..... It would seem your coming with me child" and then I passed out.


I groaned at the sound of voices surrounding me. My head pounded as I tried to force myself eyes open. It didn't work at first however after my fifth try I managed to blink and slowly open my eyes to look around.

I was greeted by many odd things.

A boy with red hair that was so spiky he could of been confused with a hedgehog....

A boy with bright green hair...

A boy with glaring red eyes....

A girl who looked like someone had pored pink paint over her....

A girl who seemed to be almost floating....

But no the main thing I was staring at was a man nestled up in a bright yellow sleeping bag.... almost looking like a cocoon.....

I blink a thew more times and attempted to sit up. Just to find my hands were tied down.

I looked around scared and confused now fully waking up. Tears began to form in my eyes and the other teens in the room seemed concerned but others held a straight face.

Like the man who just got out his sleeping bag.

"Anatahadare?" The man seemed to ask almost angerly as I shook my head trying to remember what little Japanese I knew.

It wasn't working in my scared state.
(*means Alice talking in english*)

*who are you!?!?! Where am I!?!?!* I yelled out franticly glaring at them all in confusion and fright.

The green haired boy came closer and began to speak to me.
"Nihongo o hanasemasu ka? Nē! Sensei! Kanojo wa eigoda to omou!" The boy seemed to understand my confusion and in the worst English I had ever heard he tried to talk to me.

*hiiloe name I is Izuku Midoriya * he said as it calmed down and tried not to giggle at the broken English.

I began to shake as  The green haired boy raised and eyebrow and tried to come closer to untie me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2021 ⏰

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