Chapter Five: Cheer Camp

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A Year Later
Malia's Pov

Hey guys, it's me Malia. So much has happened since I came to Seabrook.

First things first, I've still been living with Addison and her family and they've been really nice to me.

Me & Addison do basically everything together, she's like my second sister. 

Addison & Zed have been doing really well in their relationship. They're a really cute couple.

Same with Bree & Bonzo, they're a really cute couple, I love seeing them together.

Me & Eliza have gotten really close and we're best friends. She gets me, she is like me, I love it.

Sometimes we both feel like third wheels because the couples are always hanging out together and act all lovey towards each other.

It's really cute but gross at the same time.

Eliza doesn't mind being single, she says that it gives her more time to focus on coding.

Me, well, you know after my relationship with Ben I'm not interested in dating anyone, at least not yet.

I'm just scared I'll get my heartbroken again, and I don't want that.

Besides that, I met another family member of Addison.

It's her cousin, Bucky. 

When I first met him and we explained my situation to him he was shocked, but supportive.

We hang out then and there but he can be annoying sometimes, he reminds me of Chad.

Speaking of family, I threw myself a gender reveal party. 

Addison and her parents recommended it and I decided why not.

I invited all my friends to come and celebrate. Well, only the ones that knew about my past.

I found out the gender of my baby, and it's a girl.

The girls were so excited they were squealing non-stop, the guys were smiling and congradulating me.

A few months later I gave birth to my beautiful baby girl Emily.

She looked exactly like me.

She had my hair color and she even had my smile.

She did have some of Ben's features in her, like the eyes.

But even so I love her no matter what. 

When I first held her in my arms I promised right then and there I would protect her with everything I had.

Addison wouldn't stop squealing. Bree, Zed, & Bucky fainted because of my daughters cuteness.

Eliza & Bonzo were smiling non-stop, I swear I saw a few tears in Bonzo's eyes.

Missy & Dale were smiling. Missy was the first one to hold my daughter and she nearly cried.

After being released from the hospital I found a nice baby room set up for Emily when I returned home.

Missy was kind enough to set up the room, along with Addison's help.

I couldn't stop smiling and thanking them. 

They have done so much for me and I really don't know how I'm going to ever repay them for taking me into their home and supporting me all the way.

I thought having to take care of a baby would be hard work, but it wasn't,.

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