We walked out of Spencer's and found a directory. I know I've been to this mall a million times but I still don't know my way around."So downstairs to the right." I turned to look at everybody the just nodded. The boys still don't know where we are going. We went to the escalator. Which boys being boys ran down it because it was going to slow.
When I got off the escalator Luca was there waiting for me. I kept walking the Luke decided he was going to step on my shoes so my shoes came off. "Luke please stop why do you live to annoy me." I whined. He just answered me with a smirk. Which I might add is kinda hot. 'No! He's not he's rude, annoying, and mean, NOT HOT!!' My conscience yelled at me. I probably sound like I'm mental BUT IM NOT. anyways...
We got to the door we (meaning the girls) turned around and smiled, "We just need to get a few things." The guys smirked and nodded.
I walked in and started looking at push up bras. I saw this really cute one that was pink with white polka dots. My boobs are small but there not big so I were push up.
Lucas held up a black lace push up bra with a matching thong. "I wouldn't mind seeing you in this." he whispers in my ear. I got the chills and looked at him like he had been hit by a bus.
I tried to shrug it off by saying, "In your dreams." He smiled.
"The best dreams." he said. I rolled my eyes. And moved on. Someone called Luke he put a finger telling me to wait a second. His eyes were as big as saucers. "Ok I'll be there in 10 minutes," he looked at me,"I have to go." He said quickly and walked away. Just like that. I kinda felt a pang in my heart. But I ignored it. I should be happy he's gone.
sooooo I'm kinda lazy and don't really want to make it longer maybe just because I was lazy U will make another one tomorrow you never know