A new beginning

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I was just chilling on my bed me being me and then I get a text from Jordon


Hey y/n I was Wondering if u want to come live with me cuz mom says you've been acting up

Wtf umm I will think about it and I haven't been acting up so yh

Come on y/n u know u have been just come on it will be fun

Yeh yeh what ever I said I will think about it and I don't really feel like staying with horny motherfuckers

OK bye
(Read 1:29)

"Mom Jordan just text me saying I I wanted to stay with him I said I don't know what do u think" I said

"Yh it will be nice u haven't seen him for so long"


Jordan I'm coming

Yay OK I just booked ur f

Jordan huxholds little sisterWhere stories live. Discover now