Chapter Five

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The school was abuzz with chatter and people – crowds made Arlot nervous, and so did teenagers, so a crowd of teenagers was probably one of his worst nightmares. He hurried through the entrance up to Benjamin Black's study, pressing himself to a wall as a group of them passed him, loudly discussing The Incident.

He had already got enough on his plate this week, with Mr Elefry's hearing the next day and wading through as much evidence as he could beforehand; this was struggle in itself – despite many of his Agents revisiting the Elefry home they consistently came up short on searches, as strong magic screening spells blocked out any information. On top of that, he now had to take time out of his already strenuous day to visit the girl.

Hurrying him into the spacious study, Benjamin pulled out an armchair for Arlot to perch in before taking a seat. Beneath his thick hair, he looked worried.

"Mr Borge, thank you for travelling here at short notice, I have no doubt this is not the day you had planned and I am grateful that you could arrive as you did." Arlot nodded. "I'm afraid you cant see Ophelia – honestly the child has had a rough few weeks and I don't think it would be fair on her. She is a child, after-all, not a scientific anomaly."

"But Mr Black, you must admit it's.... It's strange... it doesn't seem to make any sense. Have you put her through further tests? Never, never in all my years at the ATGL have we had a recorded incident like this, a magical being who can control the weather to such an extent, who's emotions seemed tied to the elements-"

"I don't know what you have heard, Mr. Borge," Benjamin interrupted, frustrated, "But it seems to be an exaggeration. Let us please keep in mind the girls safety – rumours and such are a danger to everybody involved." He stood up and turned to a glass fronted cabinet and began a search through neatly labelled boxes until he found what he wanted. He placed the slim box in front of Arlot, and a key from his belt. It had a peeling label on it, handwritten with the words AGNES BLACK.

"If you recall," Benjamin spoke coolly, the sort of tone that made Arlot feel as if he was a child who was about to be in a lot of trouble. It made his skin crawl. He fumbled for a handkerchief. "Agnes Black."

"Yes. I don't know how I forgot. I can only apologize. But we should certainly take some precautions with Ophelia, if that sort of outburst is what it takes, and the idea of any sort of life at risk is obviously a concern for the Agency-"

Benjamin slammed his hand down on the box and slid it away from Arlot. He turned to the window so that his face was hidden, and turned the key for the box in his hand. Agnes Black. The idea that Arlot had forgotten was surprising, almost unbelievable, in fact. And yet, perhaps it was the truth. She has disappeared suddenly, thirty years ago, and had slipped from the minds of everyone like she had never even existed. He took a breath, remembered his son. He smiled, before turning back to Arlot.

"I simply need you to be assured that I – we, here – have the situation under control, there is no need for further involvement under the Agency and we are certain to provide the best care that can be offered for Ophelia. Can I trust you to relay that, Mr Borge?"

The sinking realization that he had no choice in the matter settled in Arlot's stomach. So he nodded, dabbed his forehead, strained a smile. He showed himself out, headed quickly to the awaiting car and jumped in before he had another run in with students.

Benjamin watched him from the window, and once the car drove off, he called for his son. Salem slunk into the room. He hadn't had much interaction with his father since he had helped Phi, and, despite his cool façade, was anxious in his dark eyes.

Benjamin did not waste any time. "Where did you get a key to the Private Corridor?"

Salem swallowed, stretched his fingers nervously and thought about telling his father the truth. But then Ash would be in trouble. Benjamin was staring at him, hard. "Salem. This is serious."

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