Training (pt2)

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I day after~~~
Loki come into my room.
-Hey babe.
-Hey ,babe?
-Yeah ,babe .
-Um okay i guess.
-Wanna go training with Me ? Your sisters and the boys are alerady here.
-Yeah ok

-Yeah okGinny

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When we got there my sister were already there

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When we got there my sister were already there . But Flora wasn't there.
-Hey,said a voice I front of me.
-WHAT THE.I said.
-Chill it's just me , said Flora reappearing.
-Damn ok,i said.
-ok so il catch you from the back and try to use your powers to teleport yourselves,said Loki.
He catches me from the back and I try debating myself but I can't do it.
-i cant do it,i say.
-you need to focus all of your energy where you want to go and not on me,he says while letting go.
-Okay then.
-Wanna try again?
I nod as a yes sign. This time I focus just on the other side of the room when I don't feel Loki behind me anymore,I open my eyes and I'm at the other side of the room.
-I did it, I say
At the same Tim , I see Aria with two big balls of fire in her hands ready to throw them at Bucky who seems scared asf.
-You really thought I was gonna throw them at you?asked Aria to Bucky while laughing at his face.
-I think we all thought that you were gonna do it, says Flora.
I go back to Loki while we saw Flora disappear and reappearing in Pietro's back giving him a big stroke in the back of Pietro's leg which made him fall to the ground.
-Your a weak ass,said Bucky to Pietro.
-You shut about this , said Pietro.
As soon as he finished his sentence,Pietro did the same thing Flora did to him at Bucky which made him fall to the ground (all of this in super speed btw)
-You didn't see that coming, said Pietro.
-But did you see that coming said Aria while making a throwing a big gust of wind in Pietro's direction which made him fall to the ground.
-Oop the girls are fighting ,i say.
Suddenly, Loki is trying to make a moi e that he think I wouldn't see grabbing me by the neck. I success to teleport in his back.
-Not today boy, i say in the back of his ear.
-At least you arrived to teleport, he says.
-Mhm yeah like it was just an exercise huh,I said.
-Of courseee , he said with a smirk.
~~~At the table ~~~~
-So what did you guys did today  , asked Tony to me ,my sisters and the boys.
-Training ,said Loki .
-Wrestling, said Pietro.
Flora almost spat out her food when she heard it.
-What did he sayyyy,said me and Aria.
-Ouch!said Aria.
-Im gonna go lay down guys .. she said.
-What did you do again Bucky?asked Flora.
-NOTHING I SWEAR, he says.
-He is not lying , I say after reading his mind.
-You did it again?! He asked.
-Yeah because she can , cmon Ginny let's go see her . Said Flora.
Me and Flora enter the room as Aria is liking at her belly.
-What on earth ?!?asked Flora.
-What it could've possible yk?said Aria.
- There is just one way to know, I think I have one in my bag.
-And would you mind tell me what is this doing in your bag ?!asked Flora.
-My adoptive mother had a lot in the bathroom idk why and when she died I took them just in case.
I teleported to my room and then got one that was in my back and come back to Aria's room.
-There you go , I say.
Aria taked the test came back waiting for the results.
-i don't know how a human wants to push an alien out of their 😺 like WHYY??asked Flora.
We both looked at her like this -_-.
-it should be ready, I say.
She look at the test and her eyes become wide open.
-ITS POSTIVE,Aria screams.
The people at the table turn around because of the big scream they heard.
-what am I gonna do , I'm only 18 , what if Bucky doesn't want it, is it gonna die, am I gonna die??? Says Aria panicking.
-Okay okay calm down Aria everything is gonna be fine ,I say.
-Yeah except the fact that you are gonna have to push a baby alien out of your belly.says Flora.
-Yeah very helpful thank you Flora.Aria says.
-Ok but you need to tell Bucky we are gonna return to the table and tell Bucky he needs to go see you ok.I says.
-O-Okay,Aria says.
As me and Flora get back at the table , Flora make a sign to Bucky to go see Aria. Bucky get out and we sit down silently .
So would you guys tell us what is positive?!ask Steve.
-Positive? Never heard that ? She said that ? I don't remember.I say trying to avoid the question.
-you are such a bad liar, says Nat.
-So what was positive you know what il discover it myself, says Wanda.
-WANDA DO NOT!i say.
-it's not working,you blocked me out, she says .
-Yes and don't try without my permission.
-Kay sorry.she says.
-So what is positive?asked Tony again.
I look à Flora knowing that Aria will kill us if we reveal it.
-Okay guys stop, they are stressing about it can't you see?said Pietro.

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