chapter 20

936 47 20

nezu pov

he stopped talking when the game started, seemingly deep in though. the game wasnt fierce, for him at least. I was slowly starting to panic as he was somehow winning against me, this was a very new concept to me after all. while he seemingly remained as calm as ever and almost seemed amused.

he won.


I have no idea...

"you are the first person to win against me, congratulations impulse."

he shrugged as if it was nothing. I decided to change the subject as I could practically feel the fear radiating off the staff members.

"would you like anything to eat?" I say, contacting lunch rush to bring food up.

"no thanks nezu. im good." suddenly I hear his stomach growl and I couldn't help but smile, he seems to have lied about that.

"are you sure? your stomach says otherwise."

"its fine. I can eat when I get out. no need for you to make me anything."

"well then, im sure your okay to go onto the next exercise with an empty stomach. are you sure you dont want anything to eat. we have everying from soba to soda, we have it all!" I list some foods and his stomach growls louder. he tightly wraps his hands around his stomach as his breathing seems to increase and eventually acts out.

"shut up!" he shouts, has breathing slowly becoming deeper again. it seems he really does need the food yet he still refuses, he would be a great case study for my student to show what these kinds of mindsets can do to people and teach them the importance of balance. heros are so use to being the one giving help that they sometimes refuse when they themselves need help.

chiyo is looking worried and angry why nemuri and hizashi seem ready to pounce on him to hug him to death while the concern in aizawas eyes is enough of a tell. this vigalante needs help and I would prefer him alive, he's interesting to study and I might call him up whenever I feel like wreaking havoc among the planet.

lunch rush walks in and the room is filled with the delicious scent of his cooking. the vigilantes stomach growls almost viciously and thats enough to send lunch rush off about food and how you need to eat. its amusing to watch japans number one vigalante be lectured like a child by lunch rush and he seems to almost cower, ever so slightly flinching at his movements occasionally. I look over to see only aizawa having noticed.

"why are you so jumpy?" aizawa finally speaks up.

"im a vigalante, people dont usually want to hug me when I interrupt their drug operation."

"you used that excuse last time."

"shut it pencil tip."

"impulse, if you dont eat I will make sure I knock enough sense into you with my cane!" recovery girl finally spoke up, her anger evident in her voice.

a distorted sound come from the mask before his head hung low, something was muttered that even I couldn't make out and he reluctantly took the bowl of katsudon.

"how did you know I liked katsudon?" he asks upon realising what it is.

"Todoroki mentioned it during questioning, it appears he really wishes to help you." that was apparently the wrong thing to say as the vigalante froze.

"why did you question him? what did he say?"

"well why we questioned him is because of the obvious bond you both displayed and after your conversation with aizawa after the recommendation exams we called him in immediately. it may not seem like it but we do care about your health, Todoroki too. he didnt know much but we do know your eyes are green."

heart of a hero (vigilante deku AU) ((on hiatus))Where stories live. Discover now