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"gogy let's go to this sick party tonight," he said as we both sat next to each other on the couch our lower half bodies covered with a blanket we shared the tv playing in the background.

"erum I don't know Alex I don't really like-" I was interrupted by Alex correcting my sentence.

"we're going," he said typing on his phone accepting the request.

"What?" I said getting up gripping on the bowel that held popcorn before.

"You need to live a little you've been going to tutoring for like a week now," he said looking at me then back at his bright phone screen.

"what building is it even in OR AT?" I said raising my voice slightly as I walked into the small kitchen setting the bowel down next to the sink.

"it's in building A2 next to the teacher's lounge it's not going to be bad," he said grabbing the remote pausing the show, swinging the blanket off, and getting up.

"Are there going to be adults?" I said grabbing a water bottle and a box of crackers out of the white cabinet.

"no.." He said walking into the kitchen leaning against the doorway eyes still glued to his phone. "come on don't be a pussy" he said walking up to me taking my crackers and walking off.

"fine'll go," I thought about it for minutes before answering I really hated parties something always scary happens.

"can I have my crackers back though," I said walking back into the living room holding my water bottle in my hand.

"no," he said munching on the cracker, making me laugh and giggled from what I was thinking.

"is it bussing?" I said giggling leaning on the back of the couch whispering it into his pierced ear.

He laughed almost choking on the cracker. "you're a dick" he mumbled trying not to choke again on the butter-flavored cracker.

"No but seriously george were going to that party its gonna be poggers" He said grabbing another cracker and munching onto it.

"wait don't you stream tomorrow though and also I have tutoring" I said taking the cap off my water bottle taking a small sip out of it.

"I can just stream on Monday its fine if I miss a class im here for like five years anyways" he said confidently opening up twitter ready to tweet.

"your a lawyer you should be serious" I said gripping the cold water bottle, twisting the cap back on and setting it on the coffee table.

"maybe one day" he giggled out getting back up and walking into his room, closing the door behind him.

I glanced at the clock "oh shit" I said running over to slip my shoes on almost falling over I grabbed my phone and jacket zipping it halfway up. 

"ill be back alex!" I yelled out gripping my phone as I ran down the hallway jogging to the stairs.

I walked down the five cases of stairs, the pitter patter echoing as I reached the door. I ran down the short hallway, scanning my keycard before running out of the door.

I ran down the empty sidewalk, the breeze brushing through my hair.


I finally reached the inside of the school I was so close to his office. I opened his door leaving a small knock as it opened slowly.

He looked at me with a grin as he was grading homework.

"your late" he said looking back down at the papers.

"I know~" I whined trying to get my breathing back to a normal pace from all the running.

I sat down in the comfy chair and looked at him, he was still focused on the papers in front of him.

"our session minute ago mr davidson" he said looking at his watch then back at me twisting the pen in between his fingers.

"I know im sorry-" I said reaching into my bag but I was stopped by his voice.

"do you need a punishment mr davidson..?" He said leaning back into his chair.

"what..?" I asked my hands resting above my papers inside my bag.

Oof rip gogs


Love you all💛💛

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