Chapter Two - Actions and consequences

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y/n(thoughts): He hasn't said a word since we got into the car, this isn't good. Should I tell him? No Mr. Kaiba said not to tell him so I won't. 

Even when we get home he doesn't say anything which just makes me even more worried. 

y/n: Sir, do you want me to go back to the basement?

He turns to me with a slight scowl.

Jacques: No I want you to wait at the top of the stairs in the foyer until I return.

I nod and swiftly make my way to the top of the stairs.

y/n(thoughts): I wonder why he wants me to wait here. He never asks me to come here I wonder if...


My thoughts are abruptly cut short by something hitting my head sending me down the stairs. When I reach the bottom I look up and I see four blurry figures standing in the same place I was just standing. My vision clears and I see my family, except mother. Each with different expressions upon there faces. Winter has a scowl adorning her face, Whitley looks terrified, Weiss's look surprises me she looks worried, and a little scared. Father on the other hand has a mad look in his eyes and a scowl that would make a Beowolf tremble. 

y/n: (shakily) W-w-why?

Jacques: Because you failed. You had a single task become heir to the Kaiba corporation, AND YOU FAILED!

He seems to calm down striating his tie, and lettings out a sigh.

Jacques: And I'm quite sure you remember what I said would happen if you failed. 

My eyes widen as I notice both Weiss and winter Have their swords. Weiss seems to have an instant of bravery though.

Weiss: Father isn't this a little extreme.

Winter: I agree it doesn't seem right giving him a job that you yourself couldn't do and punishing him this way.

He turns to them and proceeds to slap both of them across the face.

Jacques: I AM YOUR FATHER AND YOU WILL OBEY ME! Now punish your brother for his failure.

Without another word they make their way down to me and take their battle positions. They both look at me with sadness in their eyes.

Winter: *whispering* I'm sorry little brother, but we have to go all out or father will punish us all.

Weiss: *whispering* Me too I don't want to do this.

I close my eyes and nod.

y/n: I Know. 

I take a defensive position and they charge. Weiss lunges at my right to which I doge, but this leaves my chest open to a slash from winter. I wince as I look at the slash across my chest.

y/n(thoughts): Well It will scare but at least its not too deep.

Winter goes to make another slash but I doge. Weiss stabs at my leg, but I grab her wrist and through her to the side. I feel another flash of pain across my back, and I roll away to face them both again. 

y/n(thoughts): Ok that's it I'm done playing around.


I use my semblance to turn into a wolf and run at them teeth bared in a ferocious snarl. They seem taken aback by this.

y/n(thoughts): good they thought I could only do human transformations.

Weiss stabs at me, I sidestep it and grab her sword with my teeth and yank it out of her hand and toss it a way. Weiss is knocked off her feet by this and I turn my full attention to Winter. 

y/n: *with a growling voice* Surprised, you had no idea I could do this did you? Mabey if you paid more attention to your little brother you wouldn't be so surprised.

I charge at Winter while she's still stunned and knock her sword out of her hand and pin her to the ground with my claws. I hear something charging at me so I turn to face it. 

I feel pain, so much pain, more pain than I've ever felt all originating from my left eye. The pain is so intense it knocks me out of my transformation. I back away and feel A pop as the pain intensifies. I fall to the ground clenching my head all in a vain attempt to dull the pain. I hear muffled yells of people around me as I black out. 

Klein POV:

I am walking through the Schnee manor seeing if there's anything I need to do when my thoughts shift to y/n.

Klein: I wonder If they'll be home soon, he never did get his pres-


I'm cut off by a roar in the direction of the foyer. I begin running towards it when I run into Willow.

Willow: *worried* What was that?

Klein: I don't know mam, I suggest you lock yourself in one of the rooms until whatever it is is gone. 

Willow: No I'm going to see what it was.

I sigh knowing there's no talking her out of this.

Klein: Then I suggest you stay close.

We make our way to the foyer, as we get closer I begin to what sounds like someone yelling in pain. We burst through the doors to the foyer to see y/n fall to the ground clenching his head, while blood is poring out.

Klein: Y/N!

I run over to him and turn him over to see his face, and what I see makes my heart almost stop.

Time skip: ???


I feel strange, and warm. I can't move but I'm on something soft maybe an actual bed? My right eye opens slowly, I can see I'm in one of the guest rooms.

y/n: What happened, why am I hear?

I hear nothing in response so I get up and make my way to the restroom. that's when I realize my left eye is covered in bandages. I start to remove them while I look in the mirror and to say I'm shocked would be an understatement. 

My left eye is gone

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My left eye is gone. I scream from the shear shock. That's when I hear the door slam open and see klein with bags under bloodshot eyes. He runs over to me and pulls me into a hug and says something but I can't hear him over my own tears.

Well that's all I got for now hope you enjoyed so until next time

TTFN (Ta Ta For Now)

A/N: I do not own any of the photos.

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