Chapitre trois

9 1 5

If you're the type to listen to music while reading, here you're welcome :D
Harmony was woken up by someone shaking her shoulders with a whisper of, "prongslette, come on wake up we're here." Her eyes fluttered open and she found a grinning Sirius black gazing at her, "wake up!"

"I'm awake," she mumbled, "just let me get my stuff." He nodded and went to help remus with the luggage, she could faintly hear moony saying impressed, "that's a really fucking good feather charm."

She smirked softly at the comment and looked for her bag, she found it where she left it and got her phone from where it fell on the ground and closed her Spotify, checked the time 6pm damn that was a long car ride, she thought as she put it in her bag.

She pulled out her wand, which had lilies curving around the bottom colored in walnut wood, and conjured a mirror.

she decided to let her hair go back to its natural raven color and have it a little bit longer than shoulder length, changed her eye color for the grey-ish  blue it was, to the hazel she was born with.

She sighed and  plastered on her millon dollar grin that she inherited from her father.

time to meet my twin brother who I've never seen and is supposedly famous...this should be interesting, she wasn't going to lie, she was pretty fucking nervous and felt her breathing quicken but she forced it back to normal.

She got out the car and stifled a laugh at the sight in front of her, moony had his arms crossed, tapping his foot , standing of an ebony door with the number 12 on it, he gazed at the giant black dog running around the sidewalk as he chased a cat.

she almost felt bad for the poor kitten, even though it looked most confused than scared of the black dog.

She locked gazes with remus as she jogged up the steps leading to the door and chuckled as he gave her a look that said, see what i have to deal with? She grinned at the werewolf and asked, "where's sev?" She then realized something else, "and my suitcases?" She looked at the empty concrete with a small frown, "Snape's putting your trunks into the house."
she nodded her understanding.

He darted his gaze back to the dog and said, "Pads, quit traumatizing that poor cat and come on!"

Sirius ran back from where he was and turned back to human, "I wasn't traumatizing it, i was merely  entertaining it." Harmony rolled her eyes, "pfft..yeah sure!" She stated sarcastically.

He narrowed his eyes at her playfully and she chuckled as he turned back and knocked a tune on the door, she tried to remember it but then she realized that its probably charmed so you forget it if you accidentally hear it.

The door swung open and they walked in, Harmony felt her anxiety rise as she walked through and her eyes widened as she saw the portraits hanging on the wall, she recognized the peoples faces from her book, pureblood families in the UK, not only did she get her father's looks but she also got her late mother's love for books, "wait, is this the black family household for lord and lady black?" Sirius turned around at the sound of his biological parents names, "how do you..." the teen just gave him a tight smile, "I recognize the people from the portraits from a book." Remus chuckled and spoke softly, "definitely lily's daughter with her photographic memory."

She smirked at him then turned back to padfoot and whispered with a grin, "you should probably close your mouth before any spiders crawl in." He snapped his mouth shut with an auditable snap and the other two started laughing as he turned back around and mumbled, "guess she inherited his annoying sass as well."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2021 ⏰

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