♡chapter one♡

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I can't believe i am here again back st hogwarts it only seems like yesterday it was my first day of first year. I just can't wait to see ron it seems like ages. Ron weasley come here now i yell at him as i see him. Oh uh hi aurora how are you. I am good but i have missed you so much. Um cool listen we have to talk as he said that i got really worried. Then before he could say anything we were at the great hall. Can we talk later i said to him because right now i just want to eat in peace and not be broken up with or that is what i assume he is going to do. Silence dumbledore shouted this year a new student will be joining us Matheo Riddle please enter the great hall as he said that everyone went silent and watched as matheo walked passed the girls wanted to shag him and the boys wanted to be him you could tell i mean not going to lie he is hot as fuck but i am with ron. I was thinking to myself for a few minutes i wasn't paying attention matheo must have got sorted because he was walking towards the slytherin table towards ME oh no what am i going to do he is now sat beside me. Well hello there he said oh my his voice its so fucking hot now i know i have a boyfreind but he is probably going to break up with me so fuck it. Hi said shyly god dammit why nervous all of a sudden at that he just simply chuckeld i felt someone staring at me i look over at the gryfindor table and see ron looking at me in dissgust i was busy looking at ron when someone whispered in my ear i instantly recconised the voice and it said " is he bothering you princess because i can sort it out for you". No thank you matheo i said with that i left and i noticed someone followed me it was the one and only Ronald Weasley. Are you serious you are already with that riddle boy and we have not even broken up and i thought cedric was lying when he called you a whore. I am not a fucking whore and i am not with matheo and are we breaking up because i have been waiting to for months good bye weasley with that said i punched him in the face there was blood gushing down his nose i couldn't think straight so i did the one thing i always did when i was stressed or angry i went to the astronamy tower when i heard the one person i did not want to see. Following me princess he said while smoking a joint, god how can someone look so hot smoking a joint i thought to myself. Thank you for saying i look hot smoking a joint aroura he said laughing. Wait what you can read minds fuck well might as well throw myself off the astronamy tower. Oo why what have you been saying about me. Nothing now pass me the joint. I smoked a bit of the joint and then matheo just startes laughing. What the hell are you laughing at. Oh nothing but can i ask a question. Sure what is it. What did that weasley boy want with you? Oh he is my ex since today he called me a whore as well you know the usual. Well i don't think you are a whore if you are you can be my whore he said i was shoked i did not know what to say so i just kept quite. We should fuck he said. Uh um what now you are taking the piss. No i am serious if you are okay with it. I mean sure why not i am bored.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2021 ⏰

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