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I look at Jabez smiling, he looks back at me laughing a little bit. 

Jabez- come here princess~ Mia crawls to him 

Mia- yes dada 

Jabez- that's up to y/n if you want sister or brother 

Mia- mommy? 

Y- ofc! 

Mia- come on let's go to the store

Y- um... Mia we have to order one and it'll take 9 months to come

Mia- ouh, can you order one pleaseee

Y- sure baby

Mia- Yayyyy ~ she left the room. I look back at Jabez and saw him hold something

Jabez- this is probably the worst time and place to do this but I couldn't wait anymore. Y/n Y/m/n y/l/n... Will you be my girlfriend 

Y- Omg... Yes!!! ~ I gave him a hug and kiss him 

Jabez- you're finally offically mine~ she slips a ring on my finger

Jabez- this a promise ring. I promise to love you, make you happy, and to be there for you at your lowest. Don't worry in the future I'll make this ring an engagement ring

Y- awh bebe~ I gave him a kiss. 

Jabez- come on let's order a baby~ he winks at me. 

Y- really?! 

Jabez- yea

Y- but... Mia and Andre is outside- let's go to my place. 


~Me and Jabez went to my place. when we got inside he threw me over his shoulder and walked to my room. he lays me down gently. He hovers me and leans in to kiss me that kiss sooner turned to a  make out session. he pulled back and started giving me wet kisses on my neck slowly sucking it making me moan softly in his ear. Jabez starts taking off my clothes and his clothes. he starts sucking my boobs to my lady's part. He starts twirling his tongue making me arch my back. He then starts pumping his fingers in me making me moan a mess. He stop and pulled his fingers out and licks them. with no warning he slammed into me making me scream. I got a grip on his back digging my nails in pleasure. He started kissing me aggressively yet so passionate while pounding me. 

Skip to hours later. 

Y- babe my thing hurts

Jabez- want me to massage it~ I then get a call from Arii . I answered it 

Y-Hi- uhh ~ I felt Jabez's hand rubbing my lady's area. I look at him and he smirks at me

Arii- you good

Y- y-es what's up 

Arii- I just wanted to let you know. Me and Alex are official !

Y- aw c-congrat-sss ba-Abe

Arii- are you sure you're good 

Y- IaAm 

Arii- Y/n-

Y- i gotta go bye~ I hung up

Y- babe!

Jabez- I was massaging it

Y- Never do it when I'm on call~ I laugh


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