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"Hmph." Chiharu stared out the window, her fingers tapping angrily against the table of the cafe she an Mayu currently sat in.

Mayu eyed her friend nervously, swirling her straw around in her boba. "Chi-chi?" She spoke up carefully. "You wanna tell me what's wrong?"

Chiharu chewed her cheek, glaring down at the table. "No." She looked up, sighing heavily and loudly, catching the attention of some of the patrons around the cafe. "Fine. It's Akito."

"You're stuck on that?" Mayu sighed, leaning back in her chair. "Alright, tell mama Mayu what's wrong."

Chihary gave Mayu a death glare, huffing heavily. "Akito is what- six, seven- at most? What power could that little twerp have over someone like those three idiots? Moreover- How the hell did she become the head of the family?"

"Chi-chi! You worry too much!"

She jumped out of her skin, as someone blew in her ear, and by the look on Mayu's face, a mix between laughter and fear of her raging friend, she had a pretty good idea who it was. "Shigure!?" She screamed, jumping out of her chair. "Wait- Wh- b-"

"Our meeting with Akito got out earlier than expected." Hatori sighed, tugging at his tie so it loosened around his neck. "Sorry for keeping you guys waiting."

Mayu sighed and pushed a glass in his direction with a smile. "No worries. Chiharu here was just-"

"Wondering about Akito?" Ayame giggled, running a hand Chiharu's hair. "Yeah, we got the picture."

"If you wanted to know something, you could have just asked us Chi-chi." Shigure murmured, kicking his feet up into her lap. "So, what's wrong?"

She fake blanched and pushed his feet off her, sighing heavily. "How old is Akito?"

"Let's see- We're seventeen? Two?" Ayame tapped a finger to his chin, unaware of the awe-filled and rather angry look Chiharu was now giving him.

"What!?" She rubbed her temples, slamming her head against the table. "Let me get this straight-" She glared at the three boys, who stared blankly back at her. "You're taking direct orders from a- two year old?"

Mayu covered her mouth to hold back a giggle, glancing over at Shigure who was doing the same.

"Chiharu." Hatori said, reaching out to calm her down. "Akito may be young, but she is the head of the Sohma family. She has maids upon maids who come at her every beckon call. I'm afraid we can't just ignore her."

"And-" Shigure agreed. "We love her."

"I guess I won't understand you guys- will I?" She sighed. "Whatever. Just try not to take too many orders from a two year old, that's a bit weird."

"Dirty old perverts if you ask me, huh Chi-Chi?" Mayu giggled, hiding behind her drink as Shigure reached out to bat at her playfully.

"Now, if that's all-" Ayame chuckled, draping an arm Hatori's shoulder. "Why don't we all head over to Chi-chi's place?!"



"Thank you!!" Ayame and Shigure cheered loudly, bowing to Chiharu's Mom as she came out with a plate of Manju and drinks. "You treat us so well Okaa-san!"

"You guys are like children." Chiharu rolled her eyes, kicking shigure in the back to get him to move out of the door way. "Why are we even at my place anyway? Don't you have like- an estate or something?"

"Yes, but we like your place better!" Shigure whined, tugging at her skirt.

"Get off me pervert." She sighed, walking away from him. "Mom, please don't feel like you need to feed my friends."

"Oh you know I love it!" She waved her daughter off, laughing. "Let me know if you kids need anything."

"Thank you, Miss Kou." Hatori bowed. "And you two." He turned on his heel, glaring at Ayame and Shigure. "Stop being idiots, you're embarrassing yourself."

"So." Chiharu started towards the stairs, flipping her hair over her shoulder with a sigh. "What are we doing here exactly?"

"Take us to your room."

"Well, isn't that straight forward." Chiharu sweatdropped. "Alright, come on up I guess. Mayu, bring the snacks."

Mayu nodded, grabbing the tray off the table with one hand, and the drinks with the other. "Uh-" She bit her lip, trying to balance them as she made her way to the stairs.

"Here, let me help you." Shigure smiled, laughing softly. "Don't want you to make a mess, do we?"

Mayu turned bright red, racing past him when he grabbed the drinks from her. "Thank you!" She squeaked, brushing past Mayu and the boys who stood in the doorway watching the whole affair take place.

Chiharu laughed loudly, wiggling her brows in Mayu's direction. This only made their friend go a deeper shade of red, resulting in the three of them exchanging smug smiles towards each other.

Shigure, ever the idiot, stepped in the room, a dopey smile on his face. "This is a nice room Chi-chi! I'm surprised you let us up here!"

"Don't get used to it."

"Talk about Bi-polar, huh Ha'ri? She sounds just like the little ones!" Ayame giggled. "We should bring her around to meet Haru sometime! I think they'd get along great! They even share similar names!"

"Who's Haru?" Chiharu asked, settling into her desk chair with a manju bun.

"He's our- we technically our cousin." Shigure started.

"The sohma family is large, about a hundred people or so. Haru is one of many of our younger cousins, although we're not sure how closely related." Hatori finished.

"Oh!" Mayu chirped. "I never knew you guys had so much family!"

"Huh-" Chiharu hummed, staring out her window. "I wonder how much there is we don't know? Oh well." She stood up, heading for her door. "Let's go outside! It's such a nice day and I don't wanna waste it!"

"Talk about Bi-polar..." Shigure agreed, sweat dropping as he leaned in to Ayame.

"So cold-" Ayame agreed.

"I can hear you!" She called from the hall, making the two boys jump in fear.

Word Count: 1011 Words

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