Stuck in the basement

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As I stood in the middle of Sangwoos basement I realized what I had done. Sangwoo stood at the top of the stairs staring down at me, seeing me with the butcher knife in my hand. The blood was slowly trickling down Yoon's side, all the way down to his feet, and a puddle of blood was slowly forming. Yoon looked me in the eyes with a disappointed look, with a pained look. I broke down and started crying, the realization had hit me so hard it hurt inside. I was supposed to save my best friend, not kill him!

"This is your fault you psycho!!!!" I screamt at Sangwoo who was still at the top of the stairs. My whole body was shaking and trembling as I continued screaming.

"Why, why did you make me do this!? I haven't done anything to you, hell I don't even know you!!!" Sangwoo just stared at me a sly smirk forming on his lips, the smile then turned into a laugh.

"Hahahaha! You think it's my fault Yoon is dead? Why don't you look around, and see who's holding the knife, Y/N? How can I be responsible for what you've done? You're just in denial!"

I stood silent, thinking about what he just said, trying to process his words in my brain. Maybe it was true? Maybe I was in denial? No! No I'm not! It's Sangwoo's fault, he kidnapped Yoon from the beginning, it's his fault we're here from the start! as these thoughts were crossing my mind I had let my guard down. Without me realizing Sangwoo had come down the stairs and was tying my hands and feet together. When I felt a rough rope tightening around my wrists I snapped out of it tuning into my surroundings again. I looked behind me, but before my head had the chance to turn everything went black.

I woke up somewhere I didn't recognize, I was still tied up and the rope binding my wrists together was hurting me, I shifted in an attempt to make it more comfortable but it didn't help. The place where I had woken up was bright, so I squinted my eyes to be able to see better. I was in a cramped room with greyish walls and a large blue carpet that covered almost all of the floor. The door to the room opened and Sangwoo was standing behind the newly opened door.

"You're finally awake are you?" Sangwoo said with a pissed of voice. He looked down at me from where he was standing, clearly annoyed.

"What do you want with me?" I stumbled on the words as they left my mouth

He looked at me with his head held up way too high for my liking, he was planning something, and I didn't like it. He grew a wide grin as he grabbed me by my hair and lifted me up.

"You're going back down to the basement." he said with a low voice and a wide grin.

He carried me down to the basement, and there I stayed for a long time. I didn't know what day or what month it was anymore. I was fed 3 times a day, all 3 meals were just plain and boring porridge. I was tortured daily for who knows how long? The bruises that covered my body were endless. This was my life until Sangwoo suddenly brought home a policeman.

Did this guy really just kidnap a freaking policeman!? He's crazy! I thought as I studied the newbie.

The police had brown hair and glasses, and was still wearing his work uniform, badge and gun still attached to his suit.

Sangwoo had tied him up and taped his mouth. I smiled a little to myself.

Now I'm not alone anymore. Now someone can share my pain! I thought to myself.

Sangwoo undressed the police officer until he was only in his underwear, he tossed the man's clothes in the corner of the basement near me and started beating him with a whip - the same way he had done with me the past time, no idea how long though.

I looked at the clothes he had tossed to the side and realized that the gun was just within my reach, I just needed to untie my hands somehow...

I started moving my fingers around the stiff rope, trying to figure out how to untie the damn thing. Suddenly I felt a loop releasing and the pressure around my wrists coming to an end. I freezed, I did it! I had just untied myself, I could be free now! My tiny undernourished body was shaking with happiness and delight.

I knew what I had to do, so that's exactly what I did. I slowly and steadily moved my hand towards the gun that was directly above me on the cold stone floor. I grabbed the gun with my small hand, picking it up. I looked at what I had just picked up with wide eyes.

This is it! This is my chance! I thought and a shit-eating grin crept up on my face.

I slowly aimed the gun at Sangwoo with a weak and shaky hand.

I took a deep breath.

And I pulled the trigger.

I was free!

A short killing stalking fanfic :)Where stories live. Discover now