Part 3 Mine

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"Oh sorry... " George said quietly "dont be..." clay said blushing in georges ear quietly so nick and karl cannot hear him. George turned over so he was on his stomach and also laying on clays chest. Clay looked down and started to play with georges hair.

"Its fine i guess" nick said "oh shut up nick! You know you'll probably would do the same if a pretty boy was sitting next to you" clay said glaring at nick in the mirror, Nick snapped back "well there is and you dont see me full on making out with him!" clay looked at nick then karl then his left hand and when he was going to look at karls right hand. He could see it in nicks pants so being the petty man he is he said "ok ok just a question?" "yea what is it" nick said while blushing at the fact karl hand was in his pants and no one had noticed (yet) "why is karls hand in your pants?" karl giggled and clay smirked down at george then at nick who was giving clay the death stare in the mirror. George could just feel nicks death stare burning through clays four head " what its a real question" george said with his face in clays chest.

Clay looked down and went for a kiss for by so HoT, george was up for playing with clay (and you loves😘) , george looked up acting like he was going to kiss clay but then at the last second he put his hand between there lips.

Clays pov:
Bro what a cock blocker i thought "i know what you doing~ and its not very nice~georgie" i whispered in his ear trying to turn him on "oh shut up dont be a baby" clay rolled his eyes and looked out the window 'what a dick i just want to flirt with hi-' thought to myself acting like the victim  intill i felt a kiss on my cheek by george 'omg he really play with my feeling damn~' i thought while looking down at goerge smirking.

3rd pov:
"WHERE HERE" nick yelled as loud as he can, george woke up to clays warm  hands on georges waist, george was still being his petty self so he quickly sat up and said "ew! " while blushing  "ew what do you mean ew? " karl stoffed "no that just something else " "like me sleeping on clay" george rolled his eyes saying that.

Clay woke up because george 'accidentally' brushed his knee on clay crotch while yelling at nick about something stupid. "GEORGE! WHAT THE F%CK!" clay yelled blushing "what?! Are you dying" George said looking at dream confused, mad and sad because he yell at him "no but you knee brushed my co-" clay said getting cut off by nick saying "finally you woke up jeez we were waiting for you . come on george get off of him now come on" "ok zaddy"  karl said biting his lip.
"ew" George said geting off of clay "me and clay do better :P so boo who so you guys suck" George said again all cocky while getting out of the car. Clay look so confused to the point it was funny.

When thay are in the hotel

"ok so that will be two rooms, one with 1 bed and then the some as the other room right? " the lady looking up at nick for closure , nick felt so confused but didnt want to be a bother so he said yes looking at clay to pay. (because someones brokeee) clay walked over to pay but then the lady said blushing "um i know if this is weird but your really hot, whats your name? " clay was simply grossed out since shes supposed to do her job.

Georges pov :
'What the fuck did she just say to him?!wait why am i feeling this way? Fuck it i dont care hes mine' i thought sitting on the seat next to the desk the lady sat it.

I quietly but quickly walked over to clay and rapped my arms around clay arm and kissed him on the cheek and said looking up at clays face "are we all checked in... Baby" it pains me to say baby because i could see clays face just lit up when i said bABy ew.


"oh yes we are BaBy" clay said looking down at me and winked i was so flustered i hugged his arm so tight i pulled it down so his back of hand was touching my crotch

824 words kinda long😏

i dont know if you can drive to canada when you live in floirda but 😋,

also i writing this at 11pm and i havent slept in along time so please dont mind the spelling mistakes please thank. 😘👍

XOXO bb have a good night or morning or even day :)

one bed//DNF//LIME kinda ;) Where stories live. Discover now