Chapter 1 ~ my new fiance

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Lumine POV

Ugh another morning , another day of classes.... I mean what's the point of attending classes when aether's going to be emperor.
I get out of bed and change my dress and walk towards the dining hall. On the way I meet fischl holding what seems like towels. She looks at me and immediately bows down, " greetings imperial highness. Did you sleep well ". She lifts her head and looks at the strange face I make... why is she talking to me with respect , normally she'll just be spouting out nonsense about her being some lost princess but today doesn't seem to be the case. She smiles, " we have guests , that's the only reason why.", with saying that she leaves. Wait , who are these guests that are making fischl act this way. If I had to guess it would be aether's fiancé and her parents or someone like that. I just shrug and continue walking towards the dining hall. When I get there the guards announce my name and let me in. As I walk in I realize that the guests do not look a thing like aether's fiancé and parents but being the imperial highness, I can't say a word till my daddy says so. So I go take a seat and wait for the food to arrive.

Everyone sat there eating breakfast without speaking a word. I felt really suffocated in the room I loved the most. After we finish daddy is the first to speak , " so do we all know why we are here ?", I look at him, " no daddy, could you explain?". He clears his throat, " so as we know the kingdom of celestia has been doing great thanks to the seven minor kingdoms right. So in order to increase the alliance with snezhnaya we have decided that.....", I sigh, " what have you decided daddy ?", he look at me and then back at our " guests ", " we have decided that the first princess of celestia will be wedded to the first prince of snezhnaya. " I drop my fork ," what ! And I didn't know about this till now ! You can't do this! Did mom agree !? ". He looks at the ground , " it was actually your moms idea .. ", I look at everyone in the room , " you guys can't do this to me ! I should also have a say in this ! ". Aether puts a hand on my shoulder, " we did try, but every time we tried to bring it up you would run away..", I glare at him , " but it's my choice in the end and I say no !", my so called fiancé's mom looked at me with sad eyes, " I know it's hard darling, but we all want the same thing .", I stand up , " yah , that's right! You all want to see me suffer! But I have a life! I'm not ready for this !", she looked back at her plate , " dear this is for the best.", I feel anger rushing to my brain , but instead of yelling I just storm out of the hall and run to the library. As Soon as I reach the library I break into tears. This only happens to me. I don't wanna marry some random dude I don't even know. I continue crying and soon my eyes feel drowsy so I fall asleep. When I get up I see a pair of blue eyes starting into mine. I freak out and jump back , " what are you doing in my library! ". He looks unfazed , " I was just seeing what we're you doing ". I calm my breathing," identify yourself or I'll scream .", he looks at me , " well my name is childe and my parents said I could stay here for the night ..". What the , what is wrong with this dude, " umm, why are you here though ?", he comes closer, " I heard sounds from here so I came to check wether it was a person or a dying goat ", the nerve of this guy! Who the hell is this guy, roaming the palace in the morning , wait but why is the sun setting........ oh god I've been sleeping here since morning. I can feel someone touching my hair and I realize I'm still with this weirdo , " so umm, what's your name again ? Was it childe ?", he's still playing with my hair , " that's one of my names, but I feel that you should call my by this one ."

I look at the setting sun , " your weird ", he stops playing with my hair and looks at me, " not as weird as a dying goat .".. I glare at him, " anyway I should go, and so should you.. I don't know who let you in but if your here then you must be important mr. childe. ". I know for a fact this dude has an important business here and I shouldn't disturb him. I go back to the dining hall where my parents my " fiancé's " parents are there. I stand at the doorway and say, " if I'm getting engaged I need to at least know what my fiancé looks like...", everyone stares at me and only aether speaks, " sis, your fiancé is right behind you.", I immediately turn around to see the blue eyed ginger haired weirdo who saw my cry. I feel like dying now.." wait yo-you are me-". He kneels down and kisses my hand , " it's a pleasure to meet you my fiancé ".


This is my first fanfic , so that's there, there might be some grammar mistakes cause of autocorrect. And I'll, post the next chapter soon. Till then bye ❤️❤️

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