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I sat down as I felt my nerves build up once again as it's almost time for me to go on stage. I haven't been on stage in so long. I'm not even sure if I'm any good at acting anymore. Maybe this was a mistake. I thought regretting joining the drama club. This is stupid. I can't back out now as there are not many other clubs that I can join. I just have to suck it up and hope that I'm still somewhat good at acting. I mean I couldn't have forgotten how to act that much right? I can't be nervous, I just need to take a deep breath and just say my lines when it's my turn.

Mr. Pilcher is having the main characters go first, so I'll probably be last since my character has one or two lines to say. It didn't take me long to memorize my lines at all, and it also helps that I have a good memory. I took another deep breath as the main characters finished their lines and the extras started their turn. The time ticked away making me feel like I've been here for hours, but it's only been an hour.

I felt my heart pounding as each person took their turns trying out the part they wanted. It was almost Iridiana's turn to try out her part for Linus, which she is very excited about. I don't know her but I hope she gets it since she's very excited about it. The others are so good that I might not even get a part and that's okay. I didn't want to be part of this play. I thought. I figured it was a bad idea but I guess I have to at least audition for a part.

"Thank you, Paul. Next, up is Iridiana trying for the part of Linus." Mr. Pilcher says looking around.

Iridiana pounces onto the stage with a huge smile on her face. I noticed that she's already getting into the part as she's wearing a short black wig. Iridiana stands in the middle of the stage, and I noticed that she doesn't even have her script in her hands.

"Are you ready?" Mr. Pilcher asks.

"I was born ready." Iridiana says making sure the wig is straight before she started her lines, "You can count on me."

I watch in awe as she sounded like she meant it and she even did the bow that Linus does in the play. My eyes widen as I don't feel like I should be here at all. These guys are so good that I feel like I'll just embarrass myself.

"I want to buy poison. Something that will affect the drinker almost right away." Iridiana says still saying her lines before continuing with, "Will this be enough?"

I fidget in my seat as I got the sudden feeling like someone is watching me. I glance behind me but quickly turn back around as I felt fear seep into me. Why is he here? I thought feeling my heart pound against my chest. This can't be happening to me. Why is Grimshaw here? This isn't his club and this just makes me more nervous. Nobody else seems to notice that he's here though, but they must know.

"Thank you Iridiana. That was very impressive!" Mr. Pilcher says sounding genuinely impressed.

"I practiced hard for this part." Iridiana says with a smile as she walks off the stage.

I felt my heart beat faster as I knew my turn is next. I'm not ready. I can't do this in front of everyone, especially Grimshaw. He hates me and will probably throw a chair at me or something. I took a deep breath trying to slow down my heart as Mr. Pilcher calls my name. I have no choice but to go up. I thought standing up with my script. I don't need it but I figured I'll bring it with me just in case. I might need it with all of my nerves.

I walk up the steps of the stage, keeping my head down.

Then I'm on the stage.

I felt terrified and I don't even have stage fright. It's because he's here I know it. Why is he here anyway? He shouldn't be, why can't he just be at his club? I heard the teacher asking me if I'm ready, and I knew it is now or never. I took another deep breath before looking up at everyone seeing them all stare at me. Grimshaw included. I told him I'm ready before I took another deep breath before starting my lines.

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