Earth - Trick

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Earth slowly open his eyes. Panic when he notice an unfamiliar surroundings. Then, froze when he feel an arm around his waist.

He nervously look at the presense beside him but relief washes him when he see the familiar face. Kao. Earth blush, he can't believe he feel safe with a complete stranger.

Earth carefully remove the arm drape on his waist. Then, he silently as possible go out of the room. He look around and found himself in the kitchen. He decided to look for something to eat for the sleeping person. After cooking, he write a note for Kao and went back to his own apartment.

He carefully open the door to his apartment and feel guilty when he see Fluke sleeping in the sofa probably waiting for him, last night.

Earth go to the kitchen and prepare a breakfast. He take a deep breath before waking up his twin.

"Fluke! Fluke! Wake up, you will be late for school"

He smile when Fluke rub his eyes as if removing the sleepiness. "Earth, where did you went last night?", he heard Fluke asks.

Earth bit his lips before answering, "Uh, eh, something came up but don't worry  someone help me. I'll tell you the details later so eat or you will be late".

Fluke eye him as if will ask another question but he just show him the time and Fluke panics which make Earth laughs.

He still don't know what to feel or what to do if he will see his manager. To Earth's surprise, the restaurant is close. He walk towards his bestfriend when he saw the employees lining up.

"Ash, what happened?", he asks.

Ash just shake her head. "I don't know but the owner is in the office and said that will need to terminate some employees".

Earth got nervous all of the sudden, he didn't graduate in College because they didn't have enough funds for everyday living and school expense that's why he decided to work instead for Fluke's sake.

A tall guy approach them, wearing a formal suit. Earth's eyes widen, the guy was the one Kao called "Boston".

"Earth Katsamonnat Namwirote", Boston called and bow at him. He look at Ash nervously but walk towards the office.

Upon entering, he notice that the swivel chair is facing the window. As if someone is sitting there. The restaurant manager avoiding Earth's eyes.

"Last night, an employee deliver something to one of our hotel guest under the name of our restaurant. According to the report that I received. The delivery are sex toys", a familiar voice fills the room.

"WHAT!?", Earth shouts and glare at the restaurant manager.

"We don't know about that, Sir. I sincerely apologize, the restaurant was stained because of the dirty trick of some employee", the manager said as if apologosing and regretting the information that they heard.

"WHAT!? HOW DARE YOU! YOU ARE THE ONE TOLD ME TO DELIVER THAT-", Earth step forward and angrily shout at the restaurant manager.

"Earth, stop lying. I know you  needed money but I didn't know you will do something like this", the restaurant manager seriously said.

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