Chapter One

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             Lily Potter took the broom from its corner and started to sweep. As she cleaned the kitchen floor she smiled at what her friends would say. 

"Just enchant the broom to sweep by itself Lily, why clean the muggle way if you can use magic?"

              But, Lily liked housekeeping the way her own mother had and besides she was terrible at most of those household spells. Although she was getting better at them. She was nowhere near the skills of Molly Weasley though.

               A high pitched giggle sounded from the living room. Lily peeked in and smiled at the sight of her husband sitting in his favorite chair. Making pretty puffs of smoke shoot from the end of his wand for the amusement of their three children. Lily hadn't been able to belive it at first, having triplets when the hadn't even been planning on one? Even so Lily loved being a mum and her children were growing fast. As she watched her children she smiled. Hazel was smiling and giggling reaching out to touch the lights that her father was making in pretty colors. Lily belived that Hazel and James saw things the same way. They adored each other and always seemed to have a mischievous glimmer in their matching hazel eyes. 

             Harry on the other hand kept trying to reach out and grab the lights like a cat with string. Lily laughed, keep trying Harry she thought. the last triplet Holly was staring fixedly at the lights as though she were trying to figure out how they worked. Lily was certain that she was quite smart because she had that look on her face nearly all the time. as Hazel giggled again Lily looked at the clock 

"Its almost eight James, They have to go to bed now". 

"Aww Lily just a few more minutes?" 

"Now I see where they get their whining from she said irritably" 

"Are you all right Lily?" James asked

"Yes" she sighed but, my back hurts and the baby's been moving around". Lily had only told a handful of people that she was expecting another baby it seemed that there were to many people who she couldn't trust. 

 "Sit down" her husband told her "You should rest i'll put them to bed" 

"Oh no you don't" said Lily, "every time I let you put them to sleep they get all riled up and its more work for me"

"i'll get them down right, I promise" said James 

            I wouldn't bet on it thought Lily but she let it go and decided that she would at least get a few minutes to tidy up while James was upstairs. She straightened the pillows and put the broom away. just as she was getting some water several giggles came from upstairs. Lily sighed

"James I told you not to get them all hyper now they won't go to sleep"

"I know, I know" said James 

"i'm coming up there and if they don't have pajamas on then"... 

          Lily stopped was that the gate creaking open? she peeked out the dining room window. I t was windy out but;

"James" she said "did you tell Sirius to come over? I told you not to invite him until later when the kids are asleep"

James came to the landing with a (Mostly) pajama clad Harry in his arms. 

 "No" he said "I didn't invite Sirius". 

           Lily paused she felt uneasy they always locked the gate maybe the wind could have opened it. But, if not then a person must have the only people who knew their secret were Sirius, Remus, Peter and Dumbledore

              It all happened so fast, Lily was just about to go upstairs to takeover from James when the door burst open. Lily had time only to turn and scream before a jet of red light hit her square in the chest and she crumpled to the ground.

             James heard the crash and knew what was happening he placed his daughters into their cribs facing each other on either side of the nursery. Then he put Harry in the crib at the back of the room. He knew that Lily was dead and that soon he would be too. Once he was dead Voldemort would go for Harry,all because of the prophecy. 

             His only fleeting hope now was that maybe, maybe once his target was taken care of Voldemort would leave get away since the fiddelus charm was broken. With luck he would leave Hazel and Holly, they weren't in the prophecy. James grew more hopeful with each thought Sirius could raise them far away from here.

         BANG! the door flew open there was no more time James stepped front of the crib and faced the door 

The menacing black figure wrapped in a black cloak stepped in 

"James Potter the low voice sneered. "I could kill you on the spot but, wasting pure blood is not optimal is it? move aside and perhaps you will be spared"

"No you'll never have him, James stood firm in front of the crib 

"Move aside"

"don't take Harry, please" he cried "take me, kill me instead, please not Harry "

Voldemort raised his wand 

"So be it, AVADA KEDAVRA  James heard the yell an saw the light for only an instant

 Peter how could you

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2021 ⏰

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