Chapter 2

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Hans came back into the hotel room, laughing slightly. He had spent more time than he planned with Theo, laughing with him about how he was going to spend the money.

"(y/n)?" he called out. "We have three hours until the plane and I wish for breakfast" Hans raised his eyebrows as he got no response. "(y/n)?" he asked, smirking. "Hiding again are we" he murmured, opening the door of the bathroom to see none. Looking around his eyes met a small drop of blood and some strands of your hair on the floor. Hans' eyes widened and he knelt down, looking at the things closer. He got up and pulled his gun out, checking the room, he found large footprints and he got more and more angry and worried.

Putting the gun away he ran to Theo's room, slamming into it and opening the door to see him just coming out of the bathroom. "What's going on?" he asked, reading the worry in Hans' face.

"(y/n) is gone" Hans said, trying his best to control the fear and worry in his voice. "There are blood and hair on the floor and large prints in the carpet so it's obvious that she was abducted"

"Slow down Hans" Theo said.

"I am not slowing" Hans snapped, "Find Karl" with that Hans ran out of the room, down the hall and outside of the hotel, his eyes looked up and down the street, searching for anything which might give him a clue on who took you and in what, he saw a van speeding around the corner and his eyes narrowed. Karl jogged out of the hotel and joined Hans' looking at him "Theo said you needed me" he said plainly.

"I do" Hans snapped, which took Karl aback. "(y/n) has been abducted"

Karl bit his lip. "You know I am going back to Germany in an hour right?" he said.

"You aren't going to help me find her?" Hans asked angrily. "We can't go to the police about this" the cogs in Hans' head were turning like crazy, he was trying to remember all his enemies, who would do this, who knew he was in Hermosillo and who knew about you.

You woke in a van, handcuffed to the body of it. You had a blindfold on and your mouth tasted of blood and your ears rang. You stayed calm, not moving or saying anything, instead listening to what your captures were doing. " So are we trading her for the 640?" someone asked after a while of silence

"Yes" another said.

"What if Hans doesn't pay up?"

"Then we kill her, or we sell her"

"Sounds fine by me"

The two men started to talk about the weather as you tried to shimmy out of your handcuffs, successfully getting one hand out you pulled the blindfold off. You were in the boot of a car as it was driving, tied to one of the seats. You pulled the other cuff off you and checked your pockets. They had taken your gun and knife making you defenceless. You tried the boot lock but you couldn't open it from this side and you tried above you, however, it didn't budge. You gritted your teeth and prepared to jump them when the car finally would stop.

Hans at this point had Theo and Karl trying to work out who had kidnapped you, Eddie had left last night. They had come up with a list of who could kidnap you and made a map of likely places. They had come to the conclusion it was not a random kidnapping but planned. Hans was after blood, flicking the safety on and off his gun as he wrote names of people.

"There is not much we can do Hans" Theo said. "Until a demand is made."

"We can find the security footage" Hans said, standing and walking out, determined to find you.

Hans unlocked the security camera room and sat down. "You can leave," he said to the manager.

The manager who was already frightened of Hans quickly closed the door, leaving Hans with Theo and Karl as they watched the security footage. They noticed two men, walking in and then out the back with a large bag, holding it between them.

"Is that?" Karl started. Hans' eyes immediately snapped to Karl.

"Finish your sentence" Hans stated.

"It looks like Fritz" Karl finished.

Hans' face fell for what seemed like the third time today and peered closer at the screen. "It is Fritz" he said, anger filling him again.

"Can I be that guy and ask who Fritz is" Theo asked impatiently.

"Fritz is a member of the Volksfrei Movement" Hans hissed. "They are after the money"

"The sons of bitches" Karl muttered.

"The Volksfrei Movement is?" Theo started.

"German terrorist organisation" Hans stated. "I left because they didn't care for my plan of attacking the Nakatomi Plaza" he growled. "And now I have done it they will want the reap the rewards"

"All we can do is wait then" Karl muttered. "Volksfrei will phone us when they want to make a demand"

"Yes I have kidnapped people for Volksfrei so I know the motions" Hans snapped.

"Will they stay in Mexico?" Theo asked.

"Do you think I would know?" Hans snapped. "Their movements and motives are always random"

Silence fell over the three of them, Hans was tapping the armrest of the seat impatiently, he was trying not to lose his temper and shoot someone, however he knew that would not get you back. Hans was angry how Volksfrei was using you to get to him but he doubted that the movement would know he would tear the world apart to find you and to kill those who harmed you. He knew how shady the movement was but thought it was behind him, not thinking that after five years they would still be tracking him and you. Hans needed to make a plan to save you, no matter the cost, he knew how bad the Volksfrei movement was, being a member himself at one point of his life, they would kill you for a laugh or if the payment went through one second too late. He needed to get you back, for yours and his sake.

By now the car had stopped and you got ready to fight your way out of the situation. You heard the men walking toward the boot and the click as they opened it. You pushed the boot and hopped out of the car to see a man with a gun pointed at you, you froze and he smirked.

"Don't move Ms Gruber before I put a bullet in your head" the man said.

You froze and you were grabbed by one of the men. The man who held the gun smirked, advancing toward you and put the gun to your cheek. "You are worth a lot of money Ms Gruber" he said.

"I am not Ms Gruber" you said.

"Oh but you are his girlfriend, am I correct"

"I don't know who Gruber is" you said

"Don't play dumb" the man said, pushing the gun further into your cheek. "I know you are the long-term girlfriend of Hans Fredrick Gruber who invited you to do a heist with him as you are his most trusted ally. I just hope Hans thinks you are worth 640 billion dollars, for your sake" the man laughed and withdrew the gun from your cheek. "I could kill you right now" he murmured, putting the gun into the small of your back. You said nothing in return, he was trying to bait you to do something. "I always thought Hans would choose someone more pretty" he said, pushing the gun further into your back. "Someone more, well" he smirked behind you

"I don't care what you say" you answered plainly. "Hans will come for me"

"Oh and I hope so too" the man said, withdrawing the gun again. "It would be a shame for me to blow your pretty brain out of your skull, however I will have to if Mr Gruber does not send us 640 billion dollars."

"You sat around for us to do the work and now you are getting the money the easy way" you hissed.

"We are a terrorist group, of course, we use our old members"

"You are the Volksfrei movement" you said, realising who your kidnappers were.

"You got it" the man said "What do you get for a prize, oh I know" he smacked you in the head with the but of the gun and everything went black.

Kidnapped // Hans Gruber x readerWhere stories live. Discover now