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Hey everyone! This book features totally random stuff to do with Harry Potter! I won't say what's in it because I just make it up as I go along :)
All I'll say is that this book is for Potter Heads! I hope you enjoy it!

1) Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter! I'm just a massive fan who enjoys writing!

2) Please don't get offended by anything in this book! I am just having fun and I don't mean to offend anyone in any way! All the opinions in this book are my own and I'm totally fine with people who think differently to me! This book is made for fun so please don't be sad and I hope you'll enjoy it!

3) You don't have to do anything this book says you could/should do! Please don't get sad or upset!

4) If you have any comments or feelings about this book, please let me know! Though please don't be mean; like I said earlier, this book isn't meant to be offensive

5) By the way, thanks to everyone who read my other Harry Potter book '5 Nights of Harry Potter'! I can't believe it got so many views! Thanks so much!

6) I hope you find the content in this book enjoyable and have fun! :D

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