Back Story

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I used to hear this story from my great great grandmother, it was an old tale about wolves but I don't hear it anymore or the stories I hear now aren't  close to the same stories I was told anymore. The stories were told by our elders when I was young, we would all crowd around and listen to them share good or bad stories. It always seemed like it was a lesson or legend of stories from a different time line, or at least to me it did. We stopped hearing the stories after some children's parents started to call the elders the crazy people, and as we grew up a lot of others stopped listening because they would sometimes tell these awful stories about the past. Even though all the stories they told were not that bad, or I had just gotten used to them, always saying that they were nothing but the truth. I've heard of the ways our parents tell us these story's, as if everything was always normal and that everything is the way it was supposed to be. I never understood when people seemed okay and that nobody ever lived in hate, like some sick fairytale. But I only listen to the people who say that they have actually witnessed these things happening in our world, it almost felt like I knew or could tell when someone was lying to me. It didn't seem like a specific thing to lie about just something that I could sense in people, like a gift I was born with.

As I piece every story that comes together I piece more and more information about the past. Some people say I am just like the crazy elders that tell their silly stories to keep people scared of the outside world. Honestly I don't know what kind of message the elders are trying to send, or if their is a lesson to be learned at the end of the stories that they tell. All I know is that I am a very curious girl, but I am not clueless. For instance, My family used to be nice, kind, and the sweetest people you would ever meet, We used to go to carnivals, shopping in malls, out to eat at family restaurants, everything was perfect. Until i turned 6 and realized my supposed mom, dad, and siblings look nothing like me and I look nothing like them. I've once said this to my mom and she slapped me across the face and I was accompanied to get another punishment from my dad after the matter. Their names are James and Marie Kipper, Marie is 35, 5'6 with blonde hair and blue eyes, while James is 39, 6'1 with dark brown hair and brown eyes.They say that i am an embarrassment and that I should be their maid, cooking ,cleaning, and washing their clothes.  always wanting attention when I'm never doing anything. They tell me that I'm a mistake and that I was meant to be a maid for them....... (In my mind, I feel like their is something that they just don't want me to know, like I'm stuck in a twisted lie and that I shouldn't be here. But let's get back to introducing the "family".)

I also have two siblings their names are Vanessa Kipper and Julian Kipper, Vanessa is 18, 5'7 with blonde hair and brown eyes, while Julian is 20 5'11 with dark brown hair and blue eyes. I guess after they saw that our parents were treating me like crap after that day, they thought it was the right thing, but as we got older, and 11 years had passed. They ended up just staying the same and becoming the most negative, ignorant, mean brats I have ever known. I didn't think matters could become this bad, I honestly don't get to leave this house often, and i have it mesmerized to where i know where everything is with my eyes closed. (Now me)

My name is Maria Kipper, i am 17 turning 18 in 3 days 5'1 with natural black hair, I have an olive skin tone, with honey hazel eyes. I'm not surprised that I won't be celebrating anything cause I'm already used to the same thing that happens every year on the same weak of my birthday. They remind me 3 days before my birthday that I'm just a useless maid under their roof and that I'm not celebrating anything for my birthday. Then they tell me how I will never be able to live happy and that I should just give up on this happy life I think I'm going to have. Last but not least the two siblings that I have are given gifts the day before my birthday and I have to watch them open their gifts and show that I care, which we all know that I don't. And after all of that on my birthday I receive a beating worse than any other I ever received and it's always ten times worse then the last year. They've already begun the process which is day one of them telling me how useless i am, but what they didn't know and what I can't wait for is my plan to actually leave this place.

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