Hello from Me

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Aspiring writer I am, and new to the Tumblr scene. Here's a little bit about me: I love the Lord, tickling my girlfriend, quoting Back to the Future and Star Wars, watching Criminal Minds, listening to Nine Inch Nails, reading Stephen King, and collecting comic books. Also, I'm hoping I could share my experiences as a "hypnopomp" or a "hypnopompic" with this social network.
Ever since I was little, I've had some strong activity with my dreams. Nightmares, night terrors, sleepwalking, hallucinations, and controlled dreams have all filled my life so far. However, it is mainly the hallucinations that have stuck with me, which is where hypnopompia comes in. The word means having hallucinations while waking from sleep. It has an opposite, named hypnagogia, which is to have hallucinations in the process of going to sleep. These hallucinations can be visible and/or audible. I have at times experienced both, of which I will give examples soon, but mostly I would label myself in the majority of the hypnopompic state.
I was raised by my grandparents, and even they have had many experiences in the dream world. My grandfather could tell me almost every morning about these long, elaborate dreams that he had the night before. He could remember so many details about what had happened in his mind. My grandmother had her stories too. She could see deceased family members in her room. Sometimes they would even speak to her. She would take these as signs that they were okay or that everything was going to be. So, they had my mom, who used to sleep walk when she was young and once when she was older said she heard people in her house at night and called the police before. In turn, my mom had me. I'm unsure if studies show that dream activity can be passed down through generations, but it appears to me it can!
So, if you will, join me as I tell you what I've seen, heard, and done over 25 years, going to sleep, coming out of sleep, and in my dreams.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2015 ⏰

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