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Hey guys!! Cheeky little disclaimer here, I have NO IDEA what Mr Harry Styles like in real life and I don't claim to know, but based on the little we know about him, I wrote this little blurb to bring me a bit of comfort really?

I couldn't get the storyline out of my head after staying up till almost 4am watching the Grammys this morning 😃.  Needless to say, I still need some sleep.

I am IMMENSELY proud of Harry and all his achievements, I wish him nothing but happiness and endless amounts of love.

If you hate it and you completely disagree, that's perfectly fine but please refrain from telling me as I am soft and will think about it for the rest of my life 😃🤡.

I'm very very nervous to release this bc it's the first time I've ever done something like this??

Ummmmmm anyway, I'll let you get into the story.
Love you all so much! 💜💜💜

Bisous à tout le monde, surtout aujourd'hui.
Summer xx

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