Chapter 1

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"Moxi! lets go they're gonna catch us" He shouted, We bolt after I placed the black rose down. Sprinting of in the distance I see hunter in front turning his head around making sure I wasn't far behind.


Me and my friend. My friend known as hunter are wanted criminals or well I am they don't know about hunter, he is the one that points out the people I need to kill for a certain sum of money from people that hire me. I also am on the top of the wanted list this is because I am a serial killer supposedly. I am known as, The Black Rose. I have been named this from my symbol the black rose, however my real name is Moxie, I'm called the black rose because after every victim I've slayed I place a black rose to symbolize me and to allow them to rest easy with the  devil.  With every hire I get and every victim I don't get a description of why they must be ended but I must not give them any mercy or become attached to them or else I'd face a problem.


After me and Hunter found a place to rest for the next couple of days we heard a ding come from Hunters phone. It must be some more news on the situation I was in.

 Recently I had trespassed onto another packs territory I was apart of that pack once but I got thrown out for killing someone in my defense its my job so I don't know why they are so fussed about it plus she was a right bitch she was the definition of a plastic Barbie doll botched with plastic it was sad to see that. But my old pack informed some all high and mighty pack about this and they are currently hunting me down because the only other thing that was dangerous about was the fact that I was a mix breed I was a lycan ,known as a werewolf but I also had vampire blood in me this was all because my mum decided to go against her mate and fall madly in love with a vampire I never got to meet him but, I've been raised by my mums mate and her they raised me to be a lycan but my mother knew I had vampire blood in me once in a while I craved blood but not much it was bearable but with this I was labelled as threat so I picked up on becoming an assassin. However through all of this I met Hunter at first it was just me but on my so called adventures I met hunter he was in his wolf form when I met him he was feral but he came to obey and like me for who I was and helped me on my "mission" although he picked up on hacking and the knowledge of technology really quickly. 


After a while of hiding up in a tree I jumped down scoping out the area for any food I decided to transform into my wolf, my wolf had bright red eyes which wasn't found in lycan but I had red eyes due to my vampire side and I had white fur with a tint of a dark ginger close to brown and black on the tip this also being the side of my unnatural lycan side which clashed making me stand out as a mix breed. Hunter on the other hand was a black and white wolf he was mostly black with light specs of white all over. We split up looking for some food.

I stumble across a deer. I crouch down low into the grass ready to pounce looking to the left I see Hunter I give a light nod signaling him to creep around, suddenly we hear a gun shot and we hear it hit the tree next to me, my head jerks up my ears adjusting listening to any signs of people walking I turn my head to Hunter who is giving me a worried expression.

 We leave the deer and run back to the tree we were hiding and grabbed our belongings and ran for it not looking back. As we were running I hear multiple heavy footsteps running up next to me. It wasn't Hunter who was in front I look to my side I see a large brown wolf growling at me and to the otherside a smaller black wolf they both seemed to fixated on me to care about Hunter I let out a howl signaling to Hunter to keep going and not to worry about me. He gives me a concerned nod as I watch him pick up a faster pace trying to cause less hassle for me until I see another wolf chasing him. Immediately I pounce up taking the other wolf down by biting at there neck keeping them away from Hunter. After I no longer could see Hunter I let them go as they back away I see the other two wolves joining in a circle walking slow and hostile around me I let out a growl threatening them not to touch me. They let out a howl. My ears perking up as I hear more twigs breaking, that howl must of meant that they needed more people to assist. I mind link Hunter 'Don't turn back but if I don't come to you in the next few days continue everything without me' with that I hear another larger set of paws trudging behind me I turn around staying low letting another aggressive growl. As the current wolves make a path I see a large wolf with vibrant green eyes and a grey and black wolf comes out letting out a load growl. At first it made me wince but the next it sent sweet sensual shivers down my back. Without hesitating I leap onto the wolf aiming for the neck.


Aha hope you like this cos lowkey gonna hopefully be better than my other books I've written which I highly recommend you don't read imma take them down soon tho :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2022 ⏰

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