Off in the distance

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It was Harry's first day of university. He was going to school to become an engineer though he wasn't too keen on the idea as he'd much rather be doing football. He roommates with his best friend Niall who was studying creative writing and English literature. It was 7 am,Harry woke up, opening the blinds and climbing out of bed to grab his shower caddy before proceeding down the hall and into the communal bathrooms which he wasn't too happy about but it is what it is. He walked in and undressed quickly wrapping himself in a towel before walking over to the shower stall and turning the water on. He waited a few seconds before getting in and allowing himself to feel as the warm water ran over him lathering the shampoo between his fingers and running them through his curly hair, he reached for his bottle of shower gel but while doing so he slipped and went crashing to the floor, crossing his fingers hoping no one had figured out what happened and briskly got back up onto his feet and scrubbing himself with his body wash and purple loofa. He grabbed his towel from the hook before immersing himself in it and heading back to the changing area throwing on a pair of ripped black skinny jeans and a flannel which was this orange-ish and black colour scheme. He opened the bathroom door and headed down the hall hearing some commotion behind him and swiftly turning on the balls of his feet trying to figure out what the hell was going on. "Sorry" this boy who looked around Harry's age called from the distance, Harry waved before spinning around wandering down the hall back to his dorm where Niall had still been sleeping but he had afternoon lectures so it was ok. Harry put his stuff back in his room and made his way to the kitchen grabbing his favourite mug from the cupboard and turning on the kettle to boil himself some water. He pulled out a vanilla chamomile tea bag and plopped it into his mug, pouring the freshly boiled water over it and filling the mug up with water and adding a splash of milk. His lecture started at 8:30 so he grabbed a protein, throwing his backpack over his shoulder and headed out the door, headed down the hall and down the stairs crossing campus and walking into the lecture hall catching a gaze from some guy in his class. Harry sat down and hung his bag over the back of his chair and laid his head down on his desk waiting for his professor. "Good morning students my name is mr.hunt I will be your drama teacher for this year " I didn't take drama Harry thought to himself. Shoot I am in the wrong class Harry stood up and grabbed his stuff and went to leave "hey where do you two think you're going" the teacher called after him and one other student "I am in the wrong class" Harry was quick to say "me too" called the other student "alright dismissed" the two marched out the door "so what class do you have" Harry said turning to look at the other boy "engineering, you?" "Same" "want to walk together then?" Said the other boy. "Sure". They walked into their proper lecture "who do you think you are, walking into class late" the teacher asked. "Sorry we went to wrong lecture" "ok sit" she said asking their names and telling them hers "I am miss.roundhouse and I will be your professor for this course" "ok let's get this lecture started shall we" she said aloud while pulling up a slideshow about her. After that was done she handed out get to know me sheets to the students so they could fill them in. The clock struck 12:00 and they were dismissed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2021 ⏰

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