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After a few more memories of the slow torture you have went through. For what you could recount to be almost a year of your and your mother's kidnapping, you've finally reached the moment where it all ended.

               "Nomu 3. From what we've gathered from the lab rat. It responds best to quirks with the same blood type" the doctor documented. Y/n did not know how long she has been kidnapped, but what she was sure of was that it had been long enough for her to forget the sunshine, that most days are filled with happiness and not the now familiar pricking of injection of serums into her blood stream.

It has been long enough for her to resist her cries when she was being sliced through.

It has been long enough for her mother, who was hung from the wrist, looked almost dead. But the girl knew that at the end of the day will be the same. She and her mother dragged back into their prison cell and they'd hold each other.

"This woman will not survive, I hope you realize this doctor" Dabi mentioned.

"I am fully aware. But not to worry, this one's more precious than we realized. Her cells are adapting to everything she's been injected with, she's changing... Especially with that quirk of hers. She'll become more powerful, maybe even be able to gain multiple quirks just as my customer wished for"

Toga scoffed "She better not turn into those disgusting creatures you made! You will not destroy my doll! Just look at how cute she looks with those buns! We're twinning!"

"Not to worry, Toga. I highly doubt that will happen... She's already a mutation, what we've been doing has only been helping that evolve"

"Will she still have her own brain?" By this point. The girl knew what they meant. Will she still have a say in her decisions or end up like the other failed experiments they had? A mindless creature.

"To put it simply, we'll need the chair" By the way Toga jumped in joy, Y/n knew she was in for another world of pain.

"Y/n. I don't think I can handle this..."

"I can stop, Izuku"

"No. Just- I don't want to see you suffer like this but we have to... To get your full power out in the open"

The siblings spoke even as going through the memory. Aizawa watched as his students seem to be in pain and it made him regret ever allowing this to happen.

"Y/n. When physical pain is involved, try to control how realistic the memory will feel. Try to control it. Make them feel nothing" Aizawa shouted which you heard and nodded your head to.

You were going to push yourself to do it. Because the next memory will, if not helped, ruin them.

                        "After this... you will enjoy life like me! You're kind of a kill joy with this mind right now. I'm so excited!"

The now thirteen year old was forced to bite on a towel as they clipped her fingers. Y/n screamed as the electricity shocked her.

You focused hard and tried not to let the memory get to you. Your ears took notice of the silence and by the tears and pained faces of his students but lack of noise made Aizawa aware that Y/n was doing just as he said.

              "No! P-please! Stop. My daughter's too young for this!" Y/n's mother tried to scream, though her voice was barely above whisper. Her tears painted her face as she was forced to watch her daughter get electrified.

"Oh hush, now. She'll be fine. We're all stronger than we think" Dabi feigned comfort and blocked the mother's view of her daughter as he broke one of his mouth stitches "just look at me. I survived these burns and this cut. Have faith in your kid"

By the time he finished his words, the electrification was done and Y/n's head hung low.

Her mother pushed herself to scream cries for her daughter. Willing her to wake up and assure her she's not dead. But just as Y/n opened her eyes, she witnessed her mother heaving for air until she had none.

Her mother was dead. It was all the girl could think of.

"Woah. It's so quiet. What ha- oh! The hag's dead! Oh barbie doll try not to cry, your big sister Toga is here!"

Her mother was dead and it was the only thought that consumed the girls mind.

Her mother was dead. She first saw nothing.

It was the only thought in her mind. Then she saw blue.

She screamed as power erupted from her palms, she broke the binds that strapped her down and began to float above them all.

The building, already old and rickety, began to crack and break. The rubbles following the wind that swirled around Y/n. The three culprits ran for their life, the doctor stared amazed at the little girl.

"My mother is dead. That is all I can think of!"

Even with all the chaos. Y/n protected her mother's corpse.

Toga began to feel irritated and snuck off somewhere the girl's vision would not reach.

"Dabi. We need to get hold of her again. We need to take her to All for One" Dabi nodded, prepared to fight as well as Toga.

Just as they were about to jump. Everything stopped and the girl was cradling her mother's body, crying with all her heart for her mother to wake up again.

As she sat their, already feeling her energy drain to nothing. Blue fire caged her as Toga jumped behind her and place a knife against her throat.

"Now come with me, barbie doll and leave that damn woma-" a strong rumble shook the ground...


Unbeknownst to any of you. You were already high above the ground, blue mist encased you as if you were a bright star. You began screaming in agony, allowing yourself to once again feel the pain of losing your mother sure after your past self was done with the torture.

Bakugo, who forced you to let him attend one last training before granting your wishes, was the first to snap out of your quirk.

"Bakugo!" Aizawa shouted "Carry Midoriya down!" He couldn't use his quirk due to being unable to catch all three of you at once.

Bakugo did as told and dropped Midoriya to the ground. The boy's eyes still glowing blue like his sisters, still under her compulsion.

"Now bring me up there! I need to shut her off!"

All you felt was the air against you as you fell. You opened your eyes to see a glimpse of Aizawa and Bakugo rushing after you until you were caught in your brother's arms.

You all landed to the floor. You three students fell to your knees, drained.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry!" You sobbed.

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