Chapter 4

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Jordyn POV

I was ready for the day I was wearing a plaid mini skirt it was like a brownish with grey guessing like a tan-ish color whatever and I was wearing a cardigan. I had on light makeup and my hair was curled. Today I just wanted to do something fun since it's my second day here I wanna do all fun things while I'm here like Disneyland, go to the Hollywood sign, magic mountain, and go to the Golden Gate Bridge that should be fun but also scary. And try new food like I have so many things I wanna do.

Lexie is two years older than me which nice because I can use her to take me places since she got her license and I don't yet. Lexie and I have been friends or should I say best friends for 4 years now and I'm so thankful that I have her in my life she's the one that really saved me when I was going through my depressed moment about my real mom.

I heard a knock on my door and I'm kinda scared of who is that the door I don't want to be bother by Leo right now I have so much on my mind right now and irritated and if it's him he is gonna make it so much worse.

And I'm so happy that it wasn't him. It was Lexie thankfully " hi. So what do you want to do today?" Lexie ask me as she was closing my door " umm let's go somewhere fun I mean I don't know what's really here." I say as I'm looking away from my phone then at her " Disney?" " yes please" I say all excited like I'm a little kid on Christmas morning. " haha you're funny. So here's the plan right now it's 10 so breakfast, then downtown Hollywood right after then, Disney, and we are gonna eat dinner there. Sound good?" She asks " yep! Sounds like a plan, so is it gonna be all of us or..." " oh well sadly my dad has to go somewhere for a meeting so he won't see him until we get back here." She say, I didn't want to show her how happy I was that her dad wasn't coming because I didn't want him to ruin my day by being weird and gross.

We went downstairs Sarah was already down there telling Leo bye and all and as we was coming downstairs his attention went right to me ugh.

Today I guess is a girls day which I'm okay with. But right now we are shopping and I see this familiar face I'm just not sure where though. I was following Lexie around the store while her mom was on the other side of the store. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going because I was on my phone so guess what happened...

Yep I ran into her. Her meaning the woman I saw the other night at the restaurant. " I am so sorry" I say picking up her clothes that she dropped because I ran into her pretty hard. " Hey! Next time watch where you're going please." She say and basically stanching her clothes out of my hand, " well damn you didn't have to stanch the fucking clothes out of my hand" I mutter to myself but I guess she heard.

" excuse me" she say kinda with an attitude

" nothing" I say while rolling my eyes so hard at her and went to go find Lexie and her mom. But I couldn't because ms. Lady wanted to say something else

" hey what's your name little girl?" she ask

" why should I tell."  Im giving her so much attitude and I don't even care if she is older than me

" ok stop with the attitude please. and tell me you're name."

" Jordyn" I say

" well Jordyn I'm Leah, and I'm sorry for being mean to you and I hope you can forgive me."

Wow she expected me to forgive her after stanching and cussing me out. No way.

I was staring at her but I didn't realize until I got snapped out of my little daze. After that little moment of me staring at her I just walked away I didn't know what else to say.

After we got done shopping we went straight to Disney but the thing is I couldn't get Leah out of my head the whole time.

We got back to the house Disney was fun aside from the part where I kept thinking about Leah. She reminded me so much of me and Lexie said I looked like her. What if she is my mom or she can be somebody. No Jordyn. I need to stop overthinking and thinking that every woman I see could be my birth mother. I took a shower and did my nightly routine. I put on gray shorts and a hoodie. I blow dry my hair, got in bed and turn on the tv to some channel. I went on my phone went through my social media's since I wasn't able to do that really. I was scrolling through Instagram and on the thing where it says suggested for you. Where you can add people. I went through it because.. why not. And I saw somebody named Leah and she looked just like the woman I ran into when we went shopping.

I clicked on her name and it said 'Leah Remini' so now that I know that last name Remini I can ask my mom what was my birth mother's name. I lurked on her page. Lemme just say that she is so gorgeous omg. As I was looking I clicked on this picture it was her, her husband, and her daughter. I was looking closer and I looked at her daughter and let just say she look just like me. I got up immediately and went to Lexie room because I was confused. " Lexie wake up I need to show you something" she groaned but got up slowly rubbing her eyes. " what— what time is it?" " that's not important right now. Look at this picture and then that I don't look like them please" she looked at the picture then looked at me then looked at the picture again. "Wait.. is that the woman you run into today?" She asked, I nod my head, " yes" I say quietly.

I have so many emotions and questions going through me right now. Like what if this woman, Leah Remini is my mom. Omg.

 𝐿𝑒𝑎ℎ 𝑅𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑖'𝑠 𝑑𝑎𝑢𝑔𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now