The End of DA and Apologies

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3rd Person

It happened a few weeks before the Spring break. They had called a DA meeting like they usually did on Thursdays. Harry decided this week they were going to duel, just using disarming spells as to not injure anybody and therefore raise suspicions.

Hermione and Ron were up next. Harry watched in amusement as Ron promised to go easy on her. If anything, it should have been the other way round. Ron wasn't incompetent by any means, but Hermione had never had to put much effort into most of the things at Hogwarts. He stifled a chuckle as Fred and George made a bet on who would win.

They stood at opposite ends of the room, wands in hand. As soon as Ron opened his mouth to utter the incantation, Hermione had his wand in her hand. He stared in disbelief, shaking his head. "Oh yeah. I, uh. Meant to do that," he explained to Fred and George, who nodded at him mockingly. Hermione giggled as the rest of the girls crowded around her, congratulating her.

Harry offered to allow Nigel to practise on him rather than duel, not wanting to hurt the younger boy. "Expelliarmus!" He said, throwing them both backwards against the walls behind them. Before anyone else could say anything, a bang at the wall caught everyone's attention. Another bang. Harry pulled Nigel to his feet and pushed him to the opposite wall where everybody else was standing.

Draco's PoV

My stomach sank at every bang. I never wanted to be in this damned club, and now I'm taking away the one thing keeping Harry sane. Though it isn't exactly my fault, I had kept quiet about it. Couldn't say the same for that Marietta. That didn't make me feel any less guilty as a hole appeared in the wall of the Room of Requirement.

I captured the look on Harry's face before the wall came toppling down. Disappointment. Defeat. I chewed on my lip, trying to will the regret away. Once the dust cleared, we saw them all clearly. Harry caught my eye, and I tried to show how sorry I was. I think he understood, giving me an almost unnoticeable nod. He hadn't expected it to last and had told me as much, but I could tell he was still bothered.

"Don't even try to deny it. I have your list right here. Now, you," she squeaked, pointing at Harry. "Come with me."

We walked up to Dumbledore's office in silence, after I had thankfully been given the job of making sure Harry came with us. I squeezed his hand to reassure him before letting go and sharing a quick glance with him. I watched him cautiously as he sent murderous glares towards Umbridge and Marietta, and I didn't blame him. I just hoped the punishment wouldn't be too bad. Who was I kidding? Of course it would be.

She didn't even knock once we arrived at Dumbledore's office. Having already alerted the ministry, the Minister burst in after us, followed by Kingsley. "See here, Minister. Just as we suspected. An army. Dumbledore's army." She slammed the parchment onto the desk, just to add dramatics to the scenario.

Harry opened his mouth, as if about to speak, so I elbowed him and shook my head slowly. He didn't listen. "But professor. Dumbledore had nothing to do with it! It was all me!" I groaned internally. Why did he have to be like this?
"Now, now, Harry. Very noble of you. But it clearly states here that this is my army. I am Dumbledore, after all." Thank Merlin for that. Umbridge stared at the Minister rather smugly, with her punchable face.
"Right. Very well, then. I suppose-"

We never did find out what the Minister had to say, for at that moment, Fawkes flew over to Dumbledore, who somehow made an elaborate exit. Harry was shuffling in his seat, clearly growing uncomfortable. With a frustrating sigh, she grabbed Harry and dragged him to her office. My heart sank, but I couldn't have done anything as much as I wanted to run in there and bring him back to the common room.

He arrived an hour later and my eyes flew to his hand. If this motherfu- "Draco. It's fine." I hadn't realised I was staring with such hatred until Harry spoke.
"Come here." I said softly, holding a hand out. He reluctantly walked over and gave me his unbothered hand, which always seemed to amuse him. "Harry."
"Okay mum!" He said sarcastically, sighing.

My eyes widened as he sat down on the bed next to me. Every time it scarred over, she made him do it again. Hopefully this would be the last time. He was purposely looking anywhere other than where I was, so I just summoned a bandage and wrapped it around his hand.

He started absentmindedly scratching at his wrist, as he usually did when he was nervous. "Harry, I'm sorry."
"What? No, Dray. Don't be sorry. If it's anybody's fault, it's Marietta's. Even then, I suppose she was only protecting her mother's job." Even when I wasn't feeling particularly great, Harry calling me Dray made my stomach flutter with excitement. Pansy had always called me Dray, not being able to say Draco properly as a child. But when Harry does, it's endearing. I couldn't help the smile that appeared on my face.
"Why are you so happy? Gosh, so sympathetic, this one," he joked. I stuck my tongue out at him before saying,
"Nothing. I just like it when you call me Dray."

He laughed, and my cheeks flushed a deep crimson. "Ha! Maybe I should have started calling you it sooner, hm. Anyway, Dray. Are we going down to dinner any time soon?"
"I dunno, I had something else in mind."
"Really? What might that be?"
"We could just make out instead."
"What a splendid idea. As it turns out, kissing you is one of my many hobbies. Quite satisfactory!" We stared at each other, keeping our faces serious until Harry smirked, sending us into fits of giggles.

3rd Person

"Okay but really," Draco said, walking over to where Harry had been standing in the middle of the room. Harry was almost a head shorted than Draco, meaning he had to stand on his tiptoes and tilt his head to be able to kiss him. Luckily, Draco always realised when it became too awkward of a position and tapped the sides of Harry's thighs so he could jump up.

He walked over to the window sill, and placed Harry down there where they were at an equal height. After a minute or so, he moved to Harry's neck, and kissed the skin there, biting it lightly. He smiled against his neck once Harry gave a quiet moan. When he had made a mark he stepped back, brushing it with his thumb. "Dray!" He whined. "What if they see?!"
"Tell them you hooked up with someone. You're Harry bloody Potter, everyone wants a piece of you."

Saturday morning, Hogwarts was buzzing with energy. The news of an Azkaban breakout was all anybody could talk about. This only supported the argument that Voldemort was back, but the Ministry didn't see it that way. They just blamed it on the 'notorious Sirius Black.' However, one benefit came from that day.

Some point around midday, when Harry had been hiding in his dorm with Draco, they heard a knock at the door. Harry leapt up from Draco's lap and smoothened his shirt before opening the door. "Seamus?"

"Yeah. Um- Blaise let me up by the way- I wanted to talk to you. I'm sorry, Harry. I believe you, I was just a bit tense because of me mam and all. But, yeah. I'm really sorry," he said, a blush rising to his cheeks.
"Thanks. Don't worry about it."
They stood at the door for a few minutes, awkwardly shuffling. "Okay then. Goodnight," Seamus ended the conversation, leaving back to his common room.

"That's good, right?" Draco asked, confused.
"Mm," Harry hummed, laid on his bed. Draco continued reading the book he had picked up when Seamus had come in and Harry watched him from across the room. "You're pretty." Draco looked up, catching Harry's eye.
"Pretty?" He scoffed, one eyebrow raised.
"Yup," he replied, walking back over to Draco. "Now, can we get back to what we were doing before we were interrupted?"
"Hm. Good idea," Draco grinned, tilting his head.

Really guys you do nothing but kiss goodness me

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