"You know I don't like small children, Sirius"

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"C'mon Moony!" Sirius pleaded "I'll buy you a whole shelf of Honeydukes next time I'm in Hogsmeade?"

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"C'mon Moony!" Sirius pleaded "I'll buy you a whole shelf of Honeydukes next time I'm in Hogsmeade?"

The boys were sitting in the Gryffindor Common Room, Sirius bugging Remus, and Remus trying to study for his NEWTs in vain.

"Why can't you babysit your cousin by yourself or ask James or something?" Remus replied not even looking up from his book.

"Pete's on holiday and James has to go to some thing with his dad! You're my last hope!"

"Isn't this child like 6 or something? You know I don't like small children, Sirius"

"A whole shelf of Honeydukes and Marauder free study sessions for 3 days! The NEWTs are coming up Rem, you'll need em!"

"I'm sure Lils is free. Mary likes kids too. I'm sure even Marlene would go if you asked"

"Can't risk anyone knowing where Meda is, Moons. I trust you" Sirius said soberly, looking Remus in the eyes, trying to channel Padfoots puppy dog eyes.

"... fine" Remus grumbled, placing the enchanted bookmark Lily got him for Christmas in the middle of his chapter.

"Yesssssss!" Sirius exclaimed, doing a little victory dance on the table.


Remus and Sirius arrived at the doorstep of the Tonks house, just outside of London.

When Sirius rang the bell, a woman looking extremely similar to Bellatrix Black, who had been a few years ahead of them in Hogwarts, opened the door with a weary smile. Her brownish black hair was tied in a messy knot and she had deep bags under her eyes, but she was happy to see her cousin and his... friend? She didn't know what the relationship was, but Sirius spoke an awful lot about the boy.

"Sirius!" She exclaimed and drew him into a quick hug. "And I assume you are the infamous Moony? My cousin had told us much about you!"

Remus's cheeks turned hot and he threw Sirius a glare. "Er yes. Wonderful to meet you Mrs Tonks"

"Oh Andy is fine dear! Now there's a list of rules on table and I expect Nymphadora to be asleep by 8:30pm. Sirius no repeats of last time, I don't want to come home to a house redecorated in bubblegum pink!" Andromeda scolded playfully.

"Of course Andy we'll be good" Sirius rolled his eyes.

"Nymphadora!" Andromeda called up the stairs.

"Don't call me that!" a small voice thundered. Then, quick, stompy steps could be heard before a small girl appeared in front of them. She was wearing a giant Weird Sisters shirt altered so it fit like a dress and shockingly pink hair. "Sirius!" She squealed, jumping into his arms.

"Alright Tonks?" he replied, pulling on one of her pigtails.

"Don't encourage her behaviour" Andromeda rolled her eyes.

"Who are you?" Tonks said, crossing her arms sassily and peering down at Remus from her seat on Sirius's shoulders.

"Remus Lupin" he bowed gracefully.

Tonks giggled and her hair changed to a deep red.

Remus had been warned before hand about Tonks's metamorphic abilities, but seeing it in action was still quite disorientating.

"My name's Tonks" she said shyly, and buried her head in Sirius's hair.

"Looks like you've got yourself an admirer Moony" Sirius laughed teasingly, then winced as Tonks pulled at his hair.

"He's not supposed to know yet Paddy" she whispered audibly.

Remus's cheeks went red again, and Andromeda cleared her throat smirking.

"Look after my daughter boys" she said kissing Tonks on the cheek "Goodbye Nymphadora"

"ITS TONKS!" Tonks screeched at her mothers retreating form.

"Alright then Tonks what do you want to do?" Remus asked after her mother had left.
Tonks grinned mischievously and looked at Sirius.

"Pink!!" she said with a grin.

"Sorry Dora, Andy said no pink specifically and I'm afraid even a great mind like my own couldn't find a loophole " Sirius shrugged.

Remus snorted and upon seeing Tonks's pout he decided he needed to turn it into a smile. Immediately. "Why don't we make some dessert? It can be pink if you like?" He suggested with a kind smile.

Tonks beamed. Mission accomplished. Remus elongated the table, and set to work magicking gallons of icecream, toppings upon toppings, and three large sundae bowls. Sirius and Tonks looked at him in awe.

"You're coming with me to do the boring jobs more often Moony mate!" Sirius said.

"Hey I'm not boring!" Tonks said a minute after catching onto what her cousin said.

"Of course you're not Tonks. C'mon let's beat Padfoot and make the tallest sundae we can. Until it topples!" Remus declared, pulling her onto his knee.

After they'd filled their bellies with icecream (Sirius made the toppings resemble a frightening clown on his and Tonks only used strawberry icecream and pink toppings on hers), played tea party and told bedtime stories, it was time for Tonks to go to sleep. Sirius gave her a ride as Padfoot up the stairs and into her room.

Remus tucked her in and before he had a chance to turn away Tonks declared "I love you Remus! Mummy said that when someone loves someone very very much they get married, so I'm gonna marry you Remus. Are you gonna marry me?"

At this point, Sirius was practically dying with silent laughter and Remus was blushing for the third time that night. "We'll see" he managed to choke out.

"Yes! That's what Daddy says when I ask for chocolate in front of Mummy. That means yes!" Tonks said sleepily before rolling over and closing her eyes. "Wait!" She announced when the boys turned.

"Here" she passed him some fake flowers from under her pillow.

By now, Sirius had lost it. "Did you get those from the bathroom?"

"Uhuh! You like em, don't you Remmy?"

Remus was utterly bewildered and pink. Pretending to sniff them, he said "they're lovely Dora"

She beamed, and fell back down onto her pillow, humming a silly tune.

Once they had left Tonks's room, Sirius burst into laughter. "Oh when's the wedding Remmy? Can I be best man? I mean I'm related to your fiancé and I'm your best friend..."

"Oh shut it Padfoot" Remus grumbled uncomfortably.

"Oh wait till James hears you're betrothed for a six year old!"

"He won't"

"Of course he will Rem, I hold no secrets from you lot. We're a band of brothers! No secret can tear us"

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