Chapter 3:Ivanna

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This chapter is kind of a filler. Just sets the mood and theme. Though it's still quite entertaining, at least I hope it is. Anyway enjoy.
The once rocky barren path is now a sparkling, and ornate gateway.
Gaile pulls out a golden key and puts it in a golden lock hanging on a golden gate.
Then the golden key opens the golden lock in the process opening the golden gate.
Did I forget to mention all the GOLDEN objects seemingly being used as if they were everyday household tools!

After what feels like a millennium in walking, we finally reach this Castle like structure.
It's gigantic, easily the biggest house i've ever seen. That is if it qualifies as a house, because i'm getting more of an Estate kind of feel.
It reflects the sunlight beautifully with it's glass roof top.
And the garden looks magical and fantasy-like.
Plus the exterior walls are a beautiful cerulean blue that shine like a billion blue orbs.
While the door is a contrast to all three. It's kind of dark and ominous looking, nothing happy about it. I swear it looks depressed. Yet it kind of draws me in. It's shrouded in darkness, but there's some sliver lining in there, somewhere.

When I ask Giale what this place is. All he says is home.
He gently knocks on the wooden door 3x. My heart beat escalates with each tender knock.
We wait for the door to open patiently, or at least Gaile does. I in the meantime am shifting my weight to each of my legs continuously. Then out of nowhere we hear a loud high-pitched shriek. My stomach churns at the sudden irritating noise.
"Giale, what was that?!" I ask my irritation clearly visible.
He silences me with his finger, and approaches the door cautiously.

Out of the blue the door swings wide open, it would've slapped Gaile flat on the face if he didn't have quick reflexes.
I stare in bewilderment at a woman probably in her late-20s smiling unflinchingly at us.
She's wearing a large pink victorian dress with lavender ruffles. A huge bonnet and two feather earrings. And her feet are tightly pressed against pinchy-pink heel. While her waist is tied all together with a big pink bow.
If I didn't know any-better i'd think she were a bright pink Christmas gift from Barbie World.
I smirk, I'm hilarious.

"Ivanna" Giale concludes.
The woman, Ivanna beams as she runs to me and gives me a huge hug. Her sudden abundance of fabric leaves me breathless...literally. It's pressed up tightly against my face and I can't seem to breathe. Plus her heavily scented perfume isn't exactly helping either. It's making my nose all stuffy.
I look to Gaile for some sort of assistance, but he seems to be staring at the ground in vast interest. I doubt the ground is really captivating his attention, that traitor.

Ivanna finally lets go and stares at me.
"Well, it's good to see you, hun." She says. 'Hun' how phony.
"Who are you?" I ask hoping my annoyance isn't perceived.
"She's your aunt." Gaile states suddenly interested in the conversation happening around him.
What did the ground stop interesting him now? how convenient.

"I didn't know I had an aunt." I state boredly.
I truly couldn't care less who this woman was.
"Well, you do! And it's going to be bunches of fun. Okay where should we start?" she ponders.
She then begins to inspects my clothing in massive distaste. Meanwhile I'm getting a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach, which is not a good sign.
All I have on are my blue-ripped jeans, a black-overgrown hoodie and silver converse. I'm guessing their not exactly her style, to say the least.

All of a sudden she grabs my arm and yanks me into the house. I stammer through the house unbalanced on one foot as Ivanna yanks me. Then she quickly shoves me into a nearby room and locks the door.
I turn back in blatant anger and try the door. But it won't budge. I curse myself for being so damn accessible. I slouch against the door and bang my head on it's wooden frame.

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