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It was another chilly night at Canterlot High. The school was empty and dark, only visible because of the nearby street lights, and the bright stars that lit up the sky. Sunset was sitting alone on the sidewalk, with her back leaning on the Wondercolt statue, where the portal to Equestria was.

She checked her phone. The time was 12:30 AM. Her hair blew in the wind as she opened her Equestrian journal, hoping to find a new message from Princess Twilight. She sighed when she found nothing new, just the conversation they had 30 minutes ago when Twilight said she was finally coming. Then, the portal lit up, and a human fell to the ground face first.

"Woah!" She said.

Sunset looked over, instantly knowing who it was.

"Twilight!" Said Sunset, running over to help her up.

"Sunset! Sorry, I'm late. Spike woke up and I had to make him think I was sleeping so he wouldn't catch me leaving. He'd kill me for leaving at this hour."

"That's all right. I'm just glad you're ok. I was getting kind of worried."

Twilight smiled. "You know Sunset, that's pretty sweet. You're pretty caring for an ex villain." Said Twilight, as she did an adorable giggle that made Sunset blush.

"And your pretty funny for a nerdy pony princess." Said Sunset, as she playfully nudged Twilight's shoulder. They both giggled, as they walked in the direction of the parking lot to get to Sunset's car.

Sunset walked up to the passenger door and opened it, waiting for Twilight to get in. Twilight smiled.

"You know you don't have to do that for me."

Sunset smiled back and ran to her door so she could get the car started. Sunset put on her seatbelt and turned the key.

"So where we going tonight?" said Sunset.

"Not sure. Is that ice cream place still open at this hour? Maybe we could go there and then hang out at our spot." Said Twilight. Sunset checked her mirrors and then spoke.

"I'm pretty sure they close at 1 so we'll just make it."

They pulled out of the parking lot and went right down the street to head into town, where the ice cream shop was.

When they went inside, Sunset looked over at Twilight to see her staring up at the menu.

"I'll have the raspberry shake with whipped cream and star sprinkles. What about you Twi?"

"You read my mind. Make that two please!" Said Twilight. After paying for their shakes, they drove back to the school and sat next to the portal. This was what they called their "special spot". There, they could meet up to see each other, go to each other's worlds, the possibilities were endless! Or at least they wished they were.

For the past few weeks, they had been meeting like this almost every single night. They weren't an official "couple", which is why they told no one about their secret meetings. And even if they did, it was the only time they were both free to see each other. Between Twilight being a princess and Sunset being a high school student, they both were very busy with their schedules during the day, so night was the only way they could usually be together.

But they also feared the disapproval they might get from others. What would their friends think? What would they say? What if they told them that a relationship of two creatures living in different dimensions was impossible, or a bad idea? What if Twilight was stripped of her royal position for dating the same pony who betrayed Princess Celestia, the ruler of Equestria?
All of these fears were eating them alive if given a thought, so they tried to ignore them, at least they tried to when they were together.

After finishing their shakes, they stared up at the stars, as Twilight laid her head on Sunset's shoulder, while Sunset put her arm around hers. Suddenly, Sunset noticed Twilight shaking. She was shivering.

"Twilight? You ok?"

"Just a little cold, that's all."

"Wait here." Said Sunset. She went to her car and came back with a faux leather jacket, similar to the one she was wearing.

"Here. I always keep an extra." Said Sunset, tossing Twilight the jacket. Twilight smiled.

"Look at us. We are quite the cliche romance aren't we?"

"I guess we are." Said Sunset, smirking. She sat back down and grabbed Twilight's hand. "But hey, I don't mind if you don't."

"Trust me. After all the romance novels I've read, this is basically a dream come true for me." Said Twilight, laughing as she squeezed Sunset's hand tighter.

Nothing could ever ruin how amazing this feeling of being in love felt. Or so they thought...

Hold On, or Let Go?: A Twiset RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now