Aso Rito X F!Reader LEMON

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A/N: Before I start with this I would like to say that if you do not like smut
and stuff like that or if you are underaged then please do not read this story😅

Requested by: Rewymb

You were sitting on the end of the pool with your feet in the water watching your athletic boyfriend swim laps (you are in your swimsuit)
you had his towel in your right hand, and his water bottle in your left

Once he was about to reach you he suddenly went down to the floor of the pool leaving you confused to why he went mostly under your feet,
he suddenly pulled you in before you could take a breath, you were about to gulf in water but you suddenly felt soft lips on yours, you opened your eyes and saw Aso looking straight in your at you.. You felt his tongue rubbing your bottom lip asking for entrance, you were mostly wanting Aso more then air at this point so you quickly open your mouth letting him do his job.. (He was kinda giving you CPR but only the mouth to mouth part) Aso finally pulled us over the water with both of us gasping for air, then Aso looked at me and my condition, head hung high, his hands on your waist, your legs entwined on his waist

You noticed him staring at you and you put your arms around his neck smiling pulling you closer to him, he was blushing really hard with his head hung low, you didn't know why since he was the one who pulled you in the first place, you looked down at where he was looking and you were absolutely embarrassed at what you had done, you were rubbing yourself on his now hard member, you were about to let go of him but he leaned you on the wall of the pool and kissed you with lust and passion, you were surprised by the kiss and Aso took advantage of it, so quickly put his tongue in your mouth traveling around every crook and cranny in there, you were shocked and embarrassed about his behavior but accepted it anyway, he was suddenly rubbing his hard member on you making you moan out his name, you both separated from each other because you both have been gasping for air since earlier, he lifted you up till both of you were out of the pool,he then let you go and rubbed the back of his neck "sorry.." he says completely embarrassed by the situation he's in, you really wanted to do it since you were absolutely wet and couldn't take it anymore, without warning you took Aso's hand and stomped your way to the boys locker room, you got inside and pinned him instantly to a random locker and kissed him with the same lust and passion he had earlier, he understood your state and traveled his hands on to your waist, Aso liked the dominant side of you since you were mostly a somewhat shy but very polite and gentle person.. After 2 minutes or for what felt like forever Aso finally made a move and started slipping your bathing suit off, you were already embarrassed by what you did now you were completely flabbergasted of what was about to happen, Aso separated from you and looked at your nude body and was even more turned on then he was already before

You covered your face because of him staring and started to make noisy noises which Aso thought was cute, he then took your hand and lead you to his locker? He then opened it and took out a small packet, you were slightly confused of what it was at first but when Aso opened it and took out a CONDOM you felt like you were getting sunburned by how red and hot you were for someone who's wearing nothing, Aso chuckled at you since you were staring at the condom surprised, he then took his swimming short's off and put the condom on, when Aso finally looked at you he saw you looking at his rock hard and BIG member, Aso was now slightly embarrassed but had enough courage to kiss you and ask, "Are you sure you want to do this..?" You knew that all of the club members are most likely out now and you really wanted to help-.. No.. You really wanted him.. "Well it's a bit to late to turn back now isn't it..?" you said scratching your cheek lightly, Aso smiled but was still a bit worried, pushing that thought aside he kissed you passionately while you accepted it, he then put his cold hand in your inner thigh rubbing it up and down, you moaned quietly in the kiss and wrapped your arms around his neck one hand in his hair, Aso separated and kissed your neck trying to find your sensitive spot

You let out a moan meaning that he found it, he then abused that spot making bite your lip to make sure not to be to loud or the teachers might find you, Aso then took 2 fingers and slowly inserted it in you, you moaned quietly giving Aso the satisfaction of your lovely voice, Aso started moving his hands faster till he was thrusting his fingers In and out of you, you moaned a little louder than before, there was suddenly an unfamiliar knot forming in your stomach making you a little uneasy, Aso took his fingers out whilst you whined because that knot was still in your stomach, Aso smirked letting his lust take over him, Aso picked you up and pinned you to his locker, he slowly entered into you, you were in pain and pleasure but mostly in pain, you and Aso had never done something like this before so you were still confused to why he had a condom in his locker, Aso had entered all of him into you, both of you waited for about 4 to 5 minutes till you were fully adjusted, you moved a little and and felt a sudden pleasure hitting you make you moan, Aso understood and started to slowly thrust into you, you had a hard time trying to hold in your moans but you let them out from time to time, "Faster..~" you said in between moans, Aso was grunting and blushing while looking at you but he obliged and went faster, you couldn't contain your moans anymore and let them all out, Aso was thrusting into you till the locker started making clanging sounds, that not had finally snapped as you maxed out and arched your back while Aso was still thrusting, Aso's thrusts had gone a bit sloppy but enough for him to max out aswell

Boh of you were sweaty, gasping for air and a blushing mess, Aso slowly exited his member and took off his used condom and threw it into the trash bin, Aso didn'tlet you go whatsoever, you hugged Aso ans said "I love you.." smiling in the crook of his neck "I love you to.." Aso said smilingly.


A/N: 1197 word!?!? I' so proud of myself TwT, this is my first story and smut btw so I hope you like it owo '

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2021 ⏰

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