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A few days had passed and I was showing small Callum around some places today. I was waiting outside the first property for him. I was wearing a white corset like top with a matching beige blazer and trousers with white heels.

 I was wearing a white corset like top with a matching beige blazer and trousers with white heels

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"Hey there!" Callum said walking up to me, enveloping me in a hug. Greeting back, we made some small talk while I began to show him around the first property.

This went on for another three further three properties before I took him to the last one. It was in my apartment block, however it was the top penthouse floor. So a few floors above me.

Scanning my card we went up to the penthouse and I gave him a guided tour before I had a call come through. "Excuse me." I said before taking the call and walking to the front room.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Isabelle, it's Rachel. We've had a offer met on the sale price you advertised for the three floor house in London-."

"No way! That's amazing!" I said cutting off my colleague Rachel. "Do you know when the sale can go through?" I questioned.

"They provided all relevant documents and proof with the offer, so I can get the ball rolling now?" She questioned.

"Okay Rachel, give me five. I'm with the property owner now." I told her. "I'll call you back." I said before hanging up and locating Callum. "I have some good news..." I trailed off. "We've just had an offer on your current home, I put it in at £850,000, we got it bang on asking. The sale can be pursued today and you can have the funds in your accounts by end of play." I told him.

"Holy shit Isabelle, your incredible. Thank you! Let me tell the Cal." He said before exiting the room, making his calls.

A few minutes later he came back out and I sent him a small smile. "Okay, we would like to go ahead with the sale and we would like to take this property." He said.

"Oh wow, do you not want the others to come have a look?" I asked.

"No, you have been incredible. We are really impressed." He said. We began the nitty gritty of contracts, agreements and all that boring jazz. I managed to get them below asking on this sale, so they are not paying half as much as they got. I was on and off the phone with my colleague Rachel, who was liasing with my Boss John.

Both sales were completed within the hour and I was now currently in the office with Callum collecting his keys.

"Can you come tell the boys the news with me?" Callum asked.

"Of course!" I said. We were walking along to their house from my office where I quickly called into a wine shop and brought them a bottle of champers. I popped it in a gift bag with the new keys while Callum was waiting outside, unaware of my purchase.

"Ready?" He asked as I walked out. Nodding, we entered their apartment and I walked in behind Callum. "Cal! Harry!" Callum called out. Seconds later the two boys appeared and Harry sent me a big grin.

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