Do you really know me?

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        Hey, it's me. The girl you think you know, but you really don't. I mean sure, you've known me for years, but the question is do you really know me? Most of you will answer yes, but i'm not talking about knowing me on the outside. I'm talking about the real me. Do you know her? No. I don't think you do. She never reveals herself, she always stays hidden; never coming out for fear of being judged. She never shows her true self, because honestly, who would love or even accept a girl that cuts? A girl with scars, or anyone for that matter? I mean the point i'm trying to make here, i guess, is that there's more to me than anyone would ever know. I'm the girl that likes sitting alone. The girl that only has very few real friends. The girl that gets bullied. The girl that wouldn't be able to funcion correctly without music. I'm the girl that lays awake at night, wondering why i'll never be good enough. Why i'm not who everyone wants me to be. The only thing I want is to be happy again, to be like i used to be before. But oh well, things happen for a reason I suppose, right? I mean what's the point of anyhting without love? Nothing. I'm the kind of girl you all sterotype. I keep it all bottled up, not telling a soul. No one would understand. I don't even understand it myself. But honestly, there's more to me than meets the eye. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2015 ⏰

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