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Number 5 was very distressed. He would sit in the bathroom at night and self harm. He would cry but the pain made it feel better, he liked the pain. It took all the worries away. He would bully people because it was all he knew. He knew though, it wasn't right. He didn't know why he did it. He was just a boy and he was lost, and curious. He had upset someone by accident but then because he was so lonely, he got a reputation that he enjoyed. Although he knew that it wasn't the reputation he had expected. He just wanted a bit of attention. He self harmed because he knew that if he cut too far one day, it would all be over. The pain would be gone and he would go to wherever you go when you die. Whether it's a big cloud, nothing or even a facility full of spies. He wanted to leave this world. The only thing that kept him here was his girlfriend, Lucy. But she fancied some guy down the road from Sean. Who as far as he knew, had died in a car accident. But he could be wrong. His name, was Sean.

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