Chris Redfield x Boulder (Boulderfield fanfiction + bonus story)

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If you have questions, they are probably in the description if you haven't read it.
I don't own anything here. I just wrote this <adjective of your choice> fanfiction.

Chris Redfield x Boulder (Boulderfield fan fiction)
Chris P.O.V
I ran in the blistering heat to try and find Sheva wherever she  was. I quickly spotted her hanging off the edge of a cliff of a stone over lava. My mind struggled to come up with a solution to save her. Then I see it; a massive boulder. I approach it quickly and try to push it, straining my muscles hard, sweat dripping from my forehead. I feel myself becoming embarrassed, sure that my face is flushed, what are you doing?! I have to save Sheva!
I focus on trying to push the boulder off the edge but failing to ignore the feeling that I get from being this close to it. This is just a big rock, like any other rock why do I feel like this?!
I don't understand the feeling I'm getting from it... the only similar feeling is when I think about Sheva...
Sheva is a person and needs you now! I mentally scream to myself still pushing with all my strength.
...But Jill doesn't want a relationship... I want commitment and this boulder makes me feel special...
I feel disgusted at the thought, I mean, a man liking a massive rock?! I pull my fist back and punch the rock out of pure frustration. Each hit begins splintering the boulder's surface, and hurting my fists in the process, maybe even causing them to bleed.
Before I know it the surface I'm pushing against splits and falls and I nearly go down with it into the bright orange lava.
Tears fill my eyes as I see the broken rock hit the molten liquid, the dark curves surrounded by orange, the cracks and exposed inside of the boulder being filled with liquid yellow and red, steaming and hissing like the snakes. I need to hold myself together, the boulder wouldn't have made it out of here anyway and this way this wouldn't have been for nothing. I wipe the remaining tears away that haven't evaporated from the heat. With my face hot and eyes sore I step back and jump from the ledge onto the boulder. It moves suddenly from the impact and more tears threaten to spill yet I still go on. I grab Jill and hour her from the rock.
"Thanks, Chris— why are you crying?" Jill asks, concerned.
"It's nothing. We need to get out of here now." I say sternly looking for an escape.
We run towards the only way out, a tunnel Umbrella put here, Jill and I stumble a few time but we manage to escape. Just before we get out a blast knocks me back and everything starts to fade to black.

I sit up not knowing where I am. I'm in a helicopter above the sea. What the hell...?
"You really scared us there, a rock hit you in the head and you were out cold." Jill explained. I start to remember what happened. The lava. The heat. That boulder.
The sacrifice had saved both me and Jill. As much as it hurts I will go on; I owe my life to it, I would be wasting it's sacrifice if I didn't.
I want to see it again, I know I can't but god I just wish I could see it one more time...then maybe I could have told it...
I stare out at the outstretched blue sea to the clouds of red and orange entangled in the light of the bright yellow sunset, forever reminiscent of the place I met, and ultimately lost, my true love.

Leon bolted upright squeezing his bed sheets in his hand hard, covered in sweat, soaking the t-shirt he wore, his exposed arms allowing him to feel this was reality as the cold hit his skin.
His breathing returned to normal after a few moments and he laid back onto the bed, ready to try and get some more rest out of the rest of this night. He closed his eyes but they shot open when he heard the shattering of glass. Fully alert now he stood up ready to fight. The light had turned on and he spun around to see who had broke into his house, "Ada?" He asked in surprise.
"Hello, Leon. Are you alright? I thought you might have been in trouble." Ada replied, standing with one hand holding a hand gun placed on her hip and the other on the light switch.
"I'm fine, I just had a nightmare." Leon says, still trying to figure out whether this was a dream.
"Okay, well I must be going. We do  need to get our beauty sleep don't we?" She says walking over the broken glass in her heels.
"Wait, Ada!-" Leon tried to stop her but she already summersaulted out of the window.
Leon wasn't really sure what to do as he stood in his room with broken glass on the floor. He was very tired so decided to turn off the light and go to sleep. This plan was working until he started thinking about things. What if he stepped on the  broken glass in the morning and had to go to hospital? Would he know if someone was breaking into his house now that the window was broken? Would something climb in? Should he go to a different room? When would he see Ada again? How did she know he was in 'trouble'. Leon did not sleep well that night.

There has also been talk of a lemon version of the boulder one. Do you want that? I will write it if you do. I'll regret every sentence, but I'll do it. (And I have actually played the game now, so I know Sheva exists now and what the events of the game are.)
If you have even gotten this far, thank you for reading and I hope I have brought you some form of entertainment.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2021 ⏰

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