Part 46 I Love You

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*one month later*

Kate's POV

Everything was the same. Connor didn't even move a muscle, and I wouldn't come out of my seat.

Everyone has been in and out. His parents, his sisters, and his brothers, the O2L guys, some friends, even his grandparents. But I stayed here since day one. I didn't want to move, i wouldn't leave him.

I looked at my phone and saw that it was 6:24pm. I heard footsteps and I looked up and saw a doctor walk in.

"Kate?" He asked.

"Yea?" I said.

"I have some news...."

"Good or bad....."



"Connor should be awake very soon, his recent cat scan shows that he's fighting very hard to come out of that coma."


"Yes. If I could estimate, he should wake up before the end of tomorrow."

"Thank you doctor." I teared up, "thank you."

"I did nothing, thank your fiancé." He said as he walked out.

He looked at Connor and I smiled wide. "I love you." I whispered into his ear and kissed his forehead. "I love you."

Life With Connor FrantaWhere stories live. Discover now