20. Live show w/ KNY characters pt.2

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Emcee: So you guys if you have any questions please just raise your hands and you ask the actor and actress here! It's a chance to get to know them more!

One of the fan of kamaboko squad raise her hand: I have question please!

Emcee: yes?

One of the fan of kamaboko squad: ah its just- you guys are so amazing! And how did you guys met in the first place before the series start?

Tanjiro laughing nervously: ahh- its ah-

Y/n: allow me to explain

Tanjiro in a relief....

Y/n: Actually this scene where Tanjiro and I met and the others. Zenitsu-kun is running everyone because he doesn't want makeup and there's inosuke-kun playing with sword. Me and tanjiro outside the studio practicing our line, then the director said the actors are out of control.... *laugh* then tanjiro and I quickly get inside to know what's going on and there I talk to both Inosuke-kun and zenitsu-kun. The trio start becoming friends after that they always hang out, tease each other, shout each other.

One of the fans of kamabok squad: so sweet! Thank you very much for answering my question!

Y/n: no problem!

Emcee: what a story! HAHAHA! Then we have next form Giyuu Tomioka's Fans!

Giyuu's fan: Y/n-san may I ask you why Giyuu-kun is dislike by anyone in the series?

Y/n: why am I asking me?

Giyuu's fan: because you know about him

Y/n staring at giyuu: ah actually why giyuu dislike people because..... Shinobu always tease him and he's not talking with other people... And there you go he's dislike....

Giyuu: I'm not dislike....

Y/n: yeah I know sorry....

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