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Alpha. Beta. Omega. That's always have been the caste where Alpha is the highest and most respected species while Omega is the lowest but kind of uncommon species that are only there for mating and giving birth to an alpha's children. That's all there is in this world. Mating, having children, alphas being on top and omega's being on the bottom. Both in life and the caste.

But what most power-hungry people are looking for is rare species. One of a kind, pure and beautiful, higher than all of the alphas combined. They're just wonderful, majestic and all the most luxurious adjectives ever. Although, no one has ever found a rare species since it's been centuries ever since most of them went extinct.

Tsukishima entered the food shop nearby his house, buying some fast food to eat with his beta crow friend, Yamaguchi. He's studying in Karasuno, the school for crow species. They're one of the most common ones and easily bred ones so it was nice that they have a school for crows only. It's because even though in nature, crows are vulture animals, some of the crow alphas are very aggressive.

Nekoma High, as the name of the school, only the Feline species can attend the prestigious school. The school has established several rankings amongst the species: Cats and Tigers. Omegas are also rare for their species. It wasn't uncommon to see a being with different features like: A crow with cat eyes, a cat with crow wings, or even merpeople with snake tongues.

That was how rare omegas are for all the species: In a single kind, there's only like 3-4 omegas as which why they may be the lowest in the kind, but are very valuable to the essence of multiplying the beastmen race.

In Nekoma, there are a few omegas but already marked by certain alphas. Kenma, Lev, Yaku and Kuroo are a group of close friends, Kenma and Yaku being cats as Lev and Kuroo being tigers. Walking inside their school, like a usual day, Lev decided to start up a conversation.

"Kuroo-san~ why haven't you still marked any omega?" Lev asked while his chin on his omega's head, Yaku, pouting. Kuroo just rolled his eyes and sighed. 

"I still haven't found any. I didn't know Yaku was yours so I almost marked him when his pheromones went rampant."

Then Yaku looks over Kenma. "How about Kenma?" 

Kenma choked on his saliva, coughing before glaring at Yaku. "Excuse me?! I AM A CAT ALPHA!" Kenma hissed at Yaku.

Kuroo just looks somewhere, with his tail wagging back and forth, side to side. Kuroo was a two-tailed tiger, a rare and uncommon for his kind. Even some alphas get enchanted by his pheromones. Just a disappointment that he still hasn't found any omega attracted to his dominant pheromones.

"Still haven't found the one?" Yamaguchi asked Tsukishima as they looked into the shelves for something to eat. They were looking for some lightweight food. They look normal as if they're fully human. "Nope. You all pheromones stink." Tsukishima said nonchalantly as he rolled his eyes.

"Oh, shut up. We might not be the most attractive kind but we're the best." Yamaguchi bit back, his eyes turning into his crow ones when he blinked and looked at Tsukishima. Tsukishima just shrugged before grabbing a pack of strawberry cake and some strawberry yogurt.

"How's it going with that guy from Johzenji?" Tsukishima asked, wanting to divert the conversation to Yamaguchi instead of him. 

"Well, I still don't know what species he is. I mean, I rarely see him and I have never talked to him..." He mumbled quietly, putting the things he has picked, a pack of microwavable fries and a juice box.

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