21 - Oliver

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Emma leaned against me as I led her to the dance floor. She spilled drinks and tripped over anything, yet she was light on her feet. Perhaps it was the champagne, but she had loosened up, still not enough to eat. I made her nervous but hoped it was a good thing. When her hand shook, she knocked over an empty flute.

At the table, I had rested my arm on the back of her chair, allowing my fingers to linger on her bare shoulder. My dick had turned into a boomerang. Emma was responsible for the extension, and her nervous unease caused the retreat.

Pulling her closer, I took in her intoxicating scent. "There are elderly couples around us. If I dipped you, we could take one or two out."

"With a twirl, we'd get them all."

Laughter erupted and the older couples looked at us. I bit my tongue. On the tip of it was, God, I love you. Did I? Could I? I knew I wanted to be alone with her.

When the song ended with all dancers on their feet, I pulled her hand back to the table to say goodbye. Again, my mother hugged Emma and kissed my cheek.

"Don't keep this girl to yourself. Bring her to the house for dinner."

I winked at my mother. "Breakfast?"

Walking across the ballroom towards the exit, I stopped and extended my hand to my friend, Monty.

He winked. "No chance of luring you to the bar tonight."

Thanks to my father and my preference for a good age malt liquor, I enjoyed sitting with friends and sipping scotch, but not as much as being with Emma. An overwhelming feeling told me I never wanted to let her go.

As I introduced Emma and we exchanged a few words, she pointed towards the ladies' room. I nodded and dropped her hand. Watching, I tried to reach for her, but she turned right into Amanda and her sister walking toward us. Red wine spilled down the front of Emma as Amanda's voice scared Oreo miles away.

"Emma, you did this! You don't belong here!"

Amanda wobbled, and her sister giggled uncontrollably. Their state of inebriation didn't concern me, but Emma running away, almost barreling down a few old ladies did.

As I ran after her, Monty offered to buy them another drink, not that they needed it. Forced to pace outside the ladies' room, I had to wait until she showed her face. My life would never be dull with Emma in it, and a wave of excitement rippled through me.

My mother put her hand on my shoulder. "Amanda tipped her wine on purpose. I'll go talk to Emma."

Once again, it wasn't Emma's fault, but she thought it was. After a few long minutes, my mother appeared again. "I need your jacket."

I slipped out of the black sleeves and handed it to her. A minute later, Emma appeared wearing it and avoiding eye contact.

"I told Emma, I'm making waffles tomorrow. Be sure to bring her."

Did she forget, I lived at her house although, I wouldn't mind spending the night with my cat.

Emma took my outstretched hand without looking at me. I needed to kiss her but didn't think she was ready for a public kiss. I thought of our first one and boomerang. I had no jacket to hide my reaction.

Try to distract myself, I said, "Amanda deserves a massive hangover."

Emma scoffed. "She'll probably get me fired."

We stepped outside. Slipping my hand around her small waist, I drew her into my side and handed the valet my ticket.

"Carol Keene wouldn't. Her business isn't successful by pure luck. Employing you is a sound business decision."

Her green eyes probed mine. "Why?"

"Two words, Alicia Sumner."

Emma grew serious. I worried about what went on in her pretty head. "She invited me for waffles." She giggled.

"That's my girl. I like when you smile." My car pulled to the curb. "Let's go. I want to visit with Oreo."

I wanted to sleep with my cat and bring Emma to breakfast. Then I wanted to spend the day with her.

It was a miracle no one greeted us when we entered Emma's apartment. Before she could disappear, I pulled her into my arms.

"When we danced, all I wanted to do was kiss you."

She sighed as I lowered my mouth to hers. I held her, so she curved into my body. Her softness molded to me. The boomerang wouldn't be discreet about its intentions.

She pulled away, breathless. "My dress."

"Was beautiful."

"Is ruined." I stopped at telling her I'd buy her a new gown for every invitation. "Your mother wants to take me shopping. I couldn't tell her I'm poor."

"She loves you. I do too."

She stepped back. "You can't."

I felt my dinner protesting. "I do. We chose each other years ago. Now we're together and I can't let you go."

She shook her head. "You deserve one of those graceful, elegant women in expensive dresses."

"I don't want graceful. I like the excitement of the unexpected."

"You like my spills."

"A reason to slip you out of..."

She swatted my arm. "Now you're teasing."

"Emma Joslin, I'm not. I want you in my life and in my arms."

Shaking her head, she stepped back. "You scare me."

"I know and you scare me. I've never fallen like this before."

"I'm the one who falls."

Oreo appeared and rubbed against my legs. I bent down to greet her. She moved along and jumped onto the sofa next to Emma's cat, who needed a new name. Oreo yawned and curled up with her friend.

I nodded to the cats. "Look at them." Emma giggled. "They're sending us a message."

"You can't like me."

"Don't you know you're all I think about? I'm the one who will get fired."

She giggled. "You work for your father."

I stepped close to her. "I was doodling hearts in a meeting." I brushed my lips across hers and pulled away. She frowned. "I want to kiss you. I'm not in the Navy, but I don't blame the guy. You look amazingly sexy in this dress. I slipped my coat off her. Her soft skin was warm under my fingers. "I always get what I want. Right now, I want you to accept you are good enough for me."

"I'm a klutz and..."

"No, you're perfect and I'm just a guy with wealthy parents. I'm flesh and bone."

"You're perfect, like a god."

My hearty laugh caused the cats to lift their heads. "My brother will tell you how wrong you are." She shook her head. "Let me stay and I'll prove I love you."

"Love? Stay?"

"We don't have to do anything, but I want to prove I'm human."

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