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Hi! This is my first time creating a story on watt pad so I hope it's not ,If you can please give me advise on how I'm doing . Oh I almost forgot this story is based on true events Im Layfon and Haru is my best friend/lover .

"Layfon!" The teacher yelled.

"Yes sir!" He said In shock waking from his sleep from math.

"Answer the question" he smirked.

(My head ) Damn why is math so boring. I looked around for answers,haha thank goodness I'm sitting next to Sakura a.k.a smartest girl in the class.

"3820 square" I announced sending the same smirk to his face.

RINGGG that was the bell letting us know that school was over, I then went down the hall to meet my best friend Haru at then door. Before I could make it too the door I could feel my self getting pulled into a room and pinned onto a wall.


It was one of the 8th grade students then more of them started to come in , I couldn't help but blush they were cute. One of they boys noticed how do I know . He asked

"Do I turn you on when you look at me?"he said as he started to come closer while rubbing his hands against my hips. Now he was kissing my neck and his hands went farther down removing my belt.

" please." I said but he just continued taking off my pants.


"Damn where is Layfon he was supposed to he here 20 minutes ago."she said with a sigh.

Then he paused " I forgot my of the play in the room" I said while running. I got closer to the room and heard someone screaming for help but it sounded muffled, then I heard the person call my name "Layfon!" I was now sprinting down the hall I finally got to the door. It was locked so I thought "When there's a will there's a way" I stated and kicked down the door I saw Layfon . He had bruises all over and he was sitting in a pile well u know.


Haru was filled with rage .All of a sudden one of guys made a stupid re mark (he really said this like foreal >~<) "you wanna join , you wanna join you don't have to pay- before he could finish Haru punched him In the face so hard that you heard a crack. "YOU BROKE MY NOSE!" He screamed. (Oh yeah I forgot to mention Haru was in boxing for over 8 years, so as u can see he Haru can kick butt!)when he looked at the three guys they ran in fear, the only ones standing were T.K and Haru (t.k is the one that did those bad things to me.) Want your little bish lover boy he chuckle. Haru knocked t.k down and didn't stop hitting , i knew it was getting bad if he didn't stop I was afraid he would die. So I told Haru it was okay and hugged him tight to make sure he would stop punching.

(I'm gonna end it I promise o3o )

I could tell he was back to normal because he face turned bright red when he saw me and turned around. I started to laugh even tho it made my throat hurt , I quickly put on my clothes and started to walk home.

So list what u like and dislike and if have any advise send it

Should I continue?

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