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Hi yea this isn't important but if y'all have read my other book about the discord drama, they are bringing it back again, oh dear lord when will they stop being such babies oml, okay look, they just added me into a group and just talked shit, idk what they were talking about and I just left cause I wasn't in the mood for any shit and they just kept adding me back until I just blocked all of them, so like can they just leave me alone to have some peace in my life god damn they are fuck tards, and they are so fucking annoying, just imagine bullying a teenager whom has been through stress, trauma etc, can't y'all just grow the fuck up and realize your mistakes and how toxic you guys are?

Anyways thank you for reading this rant about those annoying little ass kids


Side Note: yea I'm still on my break but they are ruining it 🧍

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