A Tanjiro harem! I am not the best writer(but I do hope you enjoy this!) I don't think I will add the girls unless you want me too.(more info in the story)
A/N: so I am very bad at writing pls help me...also this after they get at the butterfly estate I just give quick recall of what happened on first paragraph.
The trio just finished a mission as tanjiro's crow had called and said/squawked to them that they go to the butterfly estate by the master's order. The blonde was terrified if they had done something wrong so the red head had to clam him down while dealing with the boar head(give my baby a rest pls🙏he needs it after all he puts up with😭) after calming down the blonde teenager and giving food to the boar head to calm him down they had arrived at the estate. ( next paragraphs will tell what happens when they arrive at the estate and what happens after they arrive😗✌pls bare with me and my laziness🙏😔)
As they entered the estate Tanjiro was greeted by kocho's three little helpers.(I don't remember the helpers name😭😶) the two watched with jealousy but that was soon washed away as they heard his laugh. To them it was angelic and was a beautiful sound(that sounds correct for some reason..only me...? Oh😔anyway back to the story) they just listened until his laughter stopped. Though soon the other hashira were coming to the butterfly estate and they first one was shinobu as she had just returned from a mission. The two just watched as he greeted every hashira with a happy smile and warm arms.while sanemi just tched when he was greeted same goes for iguro , the other hashira except giyuu gave a smile, headpat, or a hug. What surprised everyone was the interaction with the water pillar and the red head, instead of a simple nod or wave the pillar usually gave he got tackled into a hug and just smiled softly and hugged back, but tanjiro remembered his manners and bowed down to show some respect as he did for the other hashira.
After a bit they gathered at shinobu's main area and waited for the master, surely they fought a bit to see who would sit next to Tanjiro and the lucky people were genya and sanemi( notice how they are brothers) of course the two cheered but silently. After a bit the master had arrived and everyone just bowed knowing that he couldn't see them the master then said," I have brought you hashira here along with tanjiro's friend group. Before you ask why they are here it is because I believe that they could build up a friendship with the hashira. Especially Tanjiro his kindness is sure to bring you all closer together , and Tanjiro we have a room designed for you and nezuko. It's at the end of the estate to the left..are there any questions?" Every one stayed quiet and the master said,"very well I should take my leave, goodbye my children" and the master left as the words that came out of his mouth finished.
Tanjiro was now shining and quickly went to his room.
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(How the room looked..just imagine that curtain is closed) he was amazed on how the room looked but he was happy and got nezuko out of the box , tho his room was the end of the estate he didn't mind he liked it and just laid down but was soon styling nezuko's hair
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(The first one is the one she had)she liked it a lot so she just kept it like that for the rest of the day. As the day passed by Tanjiro had fallen asleep after lunch and just slept past dinner .
A/N: Sorry for not much I will try to update as much as I can..I just have test coming up and have to study as these are the final test of the year and I have to build a rover that went to mars which is taking me some to do..i hope you can give me time tho. Anyway I also watch manga spoilers and animations about demon slayer;) while making these chapters. I might make a new part or two because I have spring break right now.anyway bye and have a good day/night/afternoon where ever you are. Thank you for reading this bye🤗😌✌also here have these
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This one is just..😏(pls forgive me lord🙏) Anyway here have this too
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